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Baby here blanket not ready

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:coffeeJust wanted to share that my cousin delivered a healthy 6 lb 9 oz baby girl yesterday. She wasn't due until September 15th. :c9Mom and baby, :teddyCarly Marie, are both doing great. Have a lavender and yellow blanket almost completed but I thought I still had 2 weeks, guess you know what I'll be doing today....lol:morcoffee

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Yeah I remember the bunting I was making for the newest grandbaby, she wasn't due til Feb.29 and she got here the 25th four days is four crocheting days that I didn't have ;o) but I got it done, barely, by the time we drove the 3 hours to their house. Glad I had my husband to drive while I crocheted :o) Babies have their own timeclock but I have no idea where they punch at lol Congrats on Carly, nice name :o)

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Maybe the Feb. baby didn't want to have to wait 4 years for her birthday parties :rofl. My sister was supposed to be on March 17th (St. Patrick's Day), but came on the 10th. Mom says it's the only time she has been early for anything :rofl.

Ellie 13

P.S. I was told I would be born on Lincoln's B-day or Valentines Day, I was born on the 13th and have always been "average" :lol

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Aren't babies wonderful!! My son was due the 14th of December and came on the 1st of Dec. I've alway's said he wanted to make sure he got Christmas gifts that was for a boy. LOL Cause we didn't know that he would be a boy until he was born. LOL He wanted to surprise us. My little girl was due April 12th and arrived on the 11th of April, we also didn't find out what she was until 3 day's before she was born. So she wanted to make sure she was home in time for Easter. LOL Easter was on the following Sunday that year.


Good luck getting the blanket done. I love the name Carly Maria, just a beautiful name.




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