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Caps and scarves for cancer patients


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My husband (35 years old) is a cancer survivor. He was a patient at the Hope Center in Cartersville, GA. HE has a wonderful cancer doctor.


I am wanting to crochet caps and scarves for the men and women who are patients and that are taking chemo (my husband took chemo). If you would like to help me by making caps and scarves to give to the patients I would appreciate it.


I am going to check with the doctor's office tomorrow to make sure this would be all right. If you would be interested in helping me please email me at jempast@gmail.com


I will update the post tomorrow once I hear from the doctor's office. I would like to be able to take a dozen scarves and caps each week to the doctor's office. :hook


I thought that by doing this I could be giving cancer patients the will to keep fighting and to show that there are people out there who do care about them and what they are going through.

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