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2-3 Testers found, Alien Egg Grabby Ball

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Thank you to those who offered to test!



I really can't remember what made me think of this! And it was only when I was partway through adding the little 'bumps' that alien egg came to mind.




You will need app. 1 1/2 oz of the main colour, and scraps of assorted other colours. You are not restricted to multiple colours, you can use one solid colour throughout, or one for the ball and one for the 'bumps'. You will also need polyester stuffing. I will say, this does leave a lot of ends to weave in!


*If you are willing to test, please be sure you can have this done within 10 days, it does not take too long to make up. Email me (or PM me) with any questions, problems, typos, errors during the testing.

Although it's always nice to see pictures, and you are more than welcome to post pictures of your finished items (just keep to Crochetville's size limits), it is not a necessity, so if you don't have a camera, please don't let that stop you from volunteering if you can do it!


If still interested, please PM me with your email address.

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That's really cute! It reminds me of those balls you see in the store, that wiggle and have all the little knobs on them? I can't think of what they're called, something like "Wiggle Balls" but anyway... Looks like a fun little ball! I'm swamped right now, but I would love to see pictures of these done in different colors! :) Neat idea!


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