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I hate weaving in ends, right up until I get in the mood to do it

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I weave in as I go if I don't crochet over them while I'm working. I've got a ripple afghan going right now that has no loose ends - everything's been covered up along the way because I hate weaving in later.

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I'm one to wait until I finish, then drag the project up to the all night hamburger stand where I have 1-no cats to climb the afghan 2-a good sized table to work on 3-ac/heat 4 - bathroom and 5 - soda and food (I treat myself to a big breakfast when all the ends are gone).


If it weren't for restaurants, I'd never get anything done - I used to study all night in them so I'd quit getting distracted by the television (amazing how interesting reruns of anything are when you hate a class LOL).


If I could just figure out how to do my housework that way ...


I love this story! You must be quite a site sitting there all night weaving in ends :laughroll.

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I'm sure it is a sight :-) I occupy one of the larger tables so I can spread the afghan out enough to hunt for stray ends, plus my oversized knitting bag takes up half the bench (I keep my drink on the window sill).


Sometimes I'm there so long the staff forgets (interesting stuff goes on behind the counter - company gosspip, coworker disagreements, etc). Plus, I get to 'people watch' other customers, which is often rather entertaining (and sad occassionally, like when the guy ate his meal with an urn of ashes at the table). I can be handy as a witness, too, like when they have to call the police for something (ex spouses or workers showing up, teen vandals, burglary/robbery, even coworker fist fights).


I think it's interesting that while I'm working, lots of people stop by the table to look at my project. Some never say anything. The old and elderly men comment about how their wife or mother used to knit/crochet/quilt but none of their daughters took it up. Older women like to evaluate my skill (makes it easy to spot a knit snob LOL). Lots of soon to be grandmas who missed out on learning a yarn craft want to buy my stuff, even unfinished (though I'll bet they wouldn't like the price LOL).


There are two locations of one chain, the one furtherst from me actually kicked me out because I wasn't eating (I had purchased a drink, and if the weekend manager hadn't got in a huff - they weren't busy enough yet to need my table and he wasnt ejecting paper readers - I'd've bought my breakfast too). The other location is busier at night, but they don't mind at all if I sit there. Kind of a twist on my usual mode of operation - I'm the drive through that always orders the exact same thing (time of day may vary, but never my order LOL).


I've often wondered if there are more all-nighter yarn craft people who work at home because they don't know there are others of us, and could we form a group. Forget starbucks and library needle arts clubs, what about 'Hamburger Hookers'? What a riot we could be :-)

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I usually bring my project to my knitting/crochet group and finish it up on the table. It's a nice feeling when all the ends are tucked neatly in. I just don't like to do it.


I wait until I am done with the project. It probably only takes 10-15 minutes, depending on the project but I put it off as long as possible.


Why do we do that?



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I've often wondered if there are more all-nighter yarn craft people who work at home because they don't know there are others of us, and could we form a group. Forget starbucks and library needle arts clubs, what about 'Hamburger Hookers'? What a riot we could be :-)


LOL, that would be a great idea, I know I would definately go!!



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