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The "stash"

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I have been a scrapbooker for a long time so I understand buying on a whim really well. ;) It just seems that everytime I start a project, I never have enough yarn. I underestimate all the time, so I'm afraid to buy something just because I like it or it's on clearance because I'm afraid I'll run out and never find it again. :)


I'm starting to have a huge stash of leftovers, though. I'm trying to figure out what to do with those.

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I have a hodge podge of new skeins & leftover yarn.

Probably 60/40 new & used.


I have a bad habit of not buying enough when I buy it new. Thus a h0dge podge! I'll get 2 or 3 skeins of this & 2 or 3 skeins of that. Much better if I bought 6 of one kind! I'm trying to get out of the habit of doing that. 5-7 skeins of one type of yarn should be a min to get at once I think. Then you can have more choices of what to use a yarn for.

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Oh my gosh - my stash. Lots of leftovers, lots of never-starteds, marked down odd skeins, and I have taken it as my personal crusade to rescue all yarn and hooks from garage sales and thrift shops. It's interesting!

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my stash is a mixture of new and used ...


there was a sale on crochet cotton when spotlight was changing locations in town.. i got well over $400 worth for $63.. BARGAIN!!!


Absolutely! The way I see it, if you didn't buy the yarn, you would have lost money on that deal! :lol


also i bought 100 balls of feather yarn to make a blanket and well its still not one of my WIP..lol but i will get there


I have always wanted to make an afghan out of "fur". I think it would be the coziest thing ever! If you ever get around to making this one, I can't wait to see pics!

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Mine is a mixture of both. A lot of full skeins for things I plan to make even if it is just a rough I idea, like the 15 skeins of yarn of frosty green bought with a gift card. And I should have spend the other 20 from that on more yarn! And there is a lot of full skeins leftovers from overestimating. Which is ok with me since then I don't have to run to the store all the time for new yarn! I suppose that comes from only buying one skein of a color I liked when started out and only making the scarfs I use to make. Also, there is a lot of left overs scraps from past projects.



AND I have a lot of novelty yarn now from the Dollar Tree! I mean, they are practically GIVING it away and I figure I've saved over at least $200 with how much I have bought of the various novelty furry yarns, including three lacey part mohair yarns I got there. I haven't a clue what to do with those but I figure I'll need them someday for something and there they will be!


Thankfully it's mostly under control, two big bins and a box. We'll just put the huge pile of WIPS next to my bed as, uh, not included since they are no longer stash but working yarn! :lol

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I also have a mixed lot. I try to keep small balls together, but its so hard.:think I have a closet in my guest bedroom just for my yarn, but I cant shut the door.:hook:crocheting I KNOW its an addiction with me, but when you come across good bargains, how can you pass them by?:eek I dont feel so bad now,after reading this post.LOL I love crochetville.:yay




P.S. I havent even mentioned my pattern collection. LOL:devil

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To me, my stash is new, unused yarn I've bought and either haven't started a project with, or on the rare occasion I've bought one too many skeins. The yarn I have leftover is just scrap yarn, and I have 2 or 3 boxes of that. Someday I'll get most of it used up, that is, if I don't keep adding to it.

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