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how will i know when i'm done???

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So I've been working on a ripple afghan for quite some time. I love it, but I don't know when it'll be done. I mean, I don't know at what point to stop.


I had originally intended it for a queen size bed, but was pretty new to crochet and it ended up too narrow. (It hangs about an inch on each side).


So. It's about 50" long at this point (and 63" wide). I could use it as a throw if I finished off now, but I just don't know. I don't "feel" done, although I'd really like to be as I'd like to work on other projects (I've promised myself I wouldn't until this blanket is done).


This blanket is more than just a blanket to me. I love it, it's my first big project and I want it to be perfect.


So will I "know" when it's done or should I just put it down?

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It depends, if you want to use it so that the width is the width and the length is the length (rather than turn it on its side...) then you probably want to go a bit further, as we tend to expect a throw or blanket to be longer than it is wide. (This may be why it does not "feel" finished to you...)

Some people use the "golden rectangle" as a basis for dimensions... unfortunately, the golden rectangle ratio based on 63" is about 102"...

What I would recommend is that you make a scale model of your throw out of paper or fabric (or even crochet) - make the width 1/10 of your current one (6.3 inches) and then fiddle with the length until you feel you have the right proportion - measure the length and multiply by 10 to figure out how far to go...

Good luck!


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If it is long enough to cover up with, I'd be done with it and go on to something new. Of course if it doesn't "feel" done to you, I guess you'll have to continue until it does.



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I'd keep working on it until it really is long enough, but in the meantime why can't you work on short projects also?


I never have only one project going.


I always have at least 2 long term projects, plus smaller ones. Most of the time I have somewhere between 2 to 5 small projects at various stages.


I began doing this because when I made my first blanket, I discovered how incredibly boring it can become no matter how much you love crochet, and no matter how much you love your particular project.


Now, I always keep 1 or 2 projects at my sister's house. I go there a couple times a week, so I finally decided this was better than always hauling something with me.


I have at home a shawl going for me, and a shrug for me also. Right now they are my 2 biggest items.


My smaller ones are a tote I'm making for a birthday gift for another sister. I do 3 rounds a day on it so I'll be done well ahead of time.


Also a Happy Hair Doll that was recently on Annie's Attic. One of my sisters saw it and loved it, so I'm about 3/4 done with her.


Also a rainbow bag for a friend.


Also a pair of socks.


Also a pair of Garden Trolls I am designing.


This is not really a lot. I work on what I am in the mood to do. Eventually it all gets done. I keep a long list of items I want to make so I'm never lacking for ideas.


I've found I like it much better to intersperse work on the smaller items with the longer term things. Then, when I work on the long term items, I look forward to it more and enjoy it more.

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