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Tips on time

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How do you guys manage you time between every other thing you have to do and crochet time? How do you decide what project to work on when you have multiple WIPs? If you're a designer... when to do things for yourself and when do you do things for 'work'?

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well, my pattering in designs comes when I don't see a pattern for a project idea (in my head) in my collection of books/mags/downloads, or via online search, so my designs are still for fun. When Ihave multiple WIP's, what I do very often depends on the mood. (work with yarn? Thread? Little project? Am I up to detail, or do I want easypeasy?) Most of my crochet time is after my two kids are in bed (6 and 3 1/2) and sometimes I can sneak in a few minutes during the day, or if I have some wait time...I just up-sized my little black purse...it was overflowing (gotta carry tissues for the kids, my wallet, keys, pens etc etc...) so the purse grew...and Ifound the perfect one at a TS for about a buck...it is bigger enough that I have an extra pocket to tuck in a threadie or small yarn project! (I also have a bigger to-go bag, it often is by me at home too though...if I'm going to work (saturdays) or somewhere where I know I'll have to wait a while, that one often comes along anyway.

Occasionally I have a WIP deadline, sometimes that one gets worked on first....but I often work by "mood"...not very organized, in that sense I'm afraid.

Hope all this rambling helped :) I think I need to go pick up some yarn, my brain looks tired on this thread :rofl

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I'm rather obsessive about crocheting and designing crochet clothing. I constantly have ideas going through my mind. I have a hard time keeping up with it all. Actually, I don't. I'm single, so I don't have a family to take care of. I have a college education, but I quit my regular job and started cleaning houses. It doesn't sound smart, but it actually was the best thing I could've done. I make great money and work half the time. That gives me more time to do what I love. I donate alot of my time for charity, and it still leaves me time to paint and crochet. I spend most evenings at home crocheting, and leave my weekends for socializing. It doesn't look like I've come out with anything recently, but I have a load of patterns that I'm working on I also am revamping my website, and that'll be up soon. The fun thing is just to crochet and not worry about the pattern and making 3 sizes for each design, but I eventually have to crack down and do it. That's where I'm at right now.

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Well, currently the majority of crochet time is when I'm on or waiting for an airplane. That's going to be changing soon though. My free time is spent either on the computer, playing my DS, reading, or crocheting. This doesn't always include free time spent with DH (that's either on the computer, playing the Wii or some other real life adventure...)

Mostly it depends on what I'm in the mood for and how tired I am and if I have a deadline (i.e. shower/birthday gift...) Lately the computer has been winning. Hopefully this weekend while DH is at work I'll take some "me" time and crochet on a couple of things I've been neglecting... I try and only have 1 or 2 things going at a time, but right now, it seems I've got crochet ADD as people here lovingly call it :P

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Projects for me usually take a back seat to anything else. Then again, I don't usually have that many projects for me. Otherwise, I don't know where I'd keep everything. My projects get done based on deadline of course, and what I feel like working on. I currently have 4, soon to be 5 going on. 1 afghan I'm thinking might be for my uncle, and I could send it with my parents when they go to visit in June. The soon to be 5th is going to be a baby present (find out the sex today, more yarn shopping!), another afghan is a wedding present, wedding is this fall. I'm doing a doily, which is nice and portable and probably going to be given to a really good friend. There's no deadline on that one though. And I'm doing a cross stitch wedding sampler for another friend getting married this August.


My current work has been the wedding afghan (it's a Double Wedding Ring) and my fingers have literally been itching to work that one. I'm also itching to get yarn for the baby blanket, but I can't until I know what she's having.

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