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I am losing my patterns!

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I also store my patterns in the plastic sheets and put them into binders according to category and keep the binders in Jaffa block bins. I also have tons of links bookmarked. I'm not computer savvy so I don't know how to much about backing them up etc.. The binders have worked for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is an interesting post to say the least. I've learned alot from reading it and am replying:


I too have tons of yarn and crochet patterns, books, magazines, and printed patterns from websites. I've been going through all my printed patterns and seeing which ones I really want and keeping only 1 copy of the print outs....I usually forget that I have the pattern and a while later, I print it again....when I don't need to...so I'm evaluatiing my collection. I am about half done with the printouts and will start on the books shortly after that. I will spend a day going through all my yarn to see if I've had any problems with it and will deal with that situation as I need to. I'm hoping to be done with everything sometime in mid-February...so time will tell. I then need to start backing everything up on a flashdrive.


How much info can a flashdrive hold? I have a couple but they aren't currently in use. Could I write what is stored on it or tape a piece of small paper on it? What are the requirements for that? This is new to me...the flashdrive thing....


Sorry to hear about the loss of your patterns. I hope you get them all back.



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Flashdrives come in all sizes. I have a couple of antique :lol ones that are only 64 megs, but they have multi-gigabyte ones now. Plug it into your computer, go to My Computer and right-click on the flash drive, look at the properties to see how big it is.


They're prety tough, but I'd be worried about ESD & I wouldn't tape anything to the drive, I'd keep it in a paper envelope and write on the envelope.

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:whewSO I have been looking over some of the books and they really aren't as bad as I first thought they would be. But in my frenzy, I printed out so many more patterns! hehehe Now I have almost 1/3 more new patterns! Now I have 3x the work to do. :hook I found some of the best patterns lately! Now they are all in a pile on my table until I can get new binders.

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I am so sorry to hear that this happened to you! :hug I do save all my favorite patterns on a backup but I am one of those people that likes the hardcopy in my hands. I am like you and want to flip through and see what I have. I always laminate my favorite patterns and it makes them very durable. I bought an inexpensive laminator at wal-mart and it has been fantastic! I even make up little cards with most important phone numbers and laminate those with the little pockets. My kids are always using it for something too. A laminator is something that can have so many uses and quickly pays for itself! I hope you are able to relocate all of your favorite patterns!

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