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Arthur Itis

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...he came to visit me this holiday season and hasn't left yet. Generally I have some mild arthritis in my middle finger on my right hand and both thumbs. I had been crocheting like a mad woman all month, the last item being a purse for my daughter out of motifs that had to be sewn together. I think it was the heaving whipstitching that did me in. The purse finished except for one strap to sew on and a lining to sew by machine--but I can't seem to bend my pointer finger without pain...I can still crochet, knit and type tho:clap. Advil...take me away.

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Advil and it's knock-offs are a wonderful invention. I keep telling myself that the pain in my wrist and now in the fingers of my right hand are my fybro acting up. At least I hope that is what it is and not the dreaded Arthur itis! :lol

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