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Ordered from Lion....


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....and STILL haven't heard from them! I placed a very simple order four days ago, and yesterday I emailed them to check on when it would ship, and I have not heard a word from them! :rant


I ordered one simple item, a S-hook, since I wanted to make a hat for my DD to match her new coat...found the pattern on Lion's website, figured it would be quick with that huge of a hook....but I could've had the stupid thing done with a different hook while I wait!


Has anyone else had problems with them?? :think

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I know we all get impatient in this world of quick responses via email, but please remember that Lion Brand is a large company and they likely receive hundreds if not thousands of emails a day. It can take their staff awhile to work through all of those.


I would say that if you don't get a response within one to two business days of sending your email, try sending another one. Be sure to put something in the subject line to alert them that you're resending an email.


Email is not a sure thing. Your email may not have ever made it to them, it could have been filtered out by their spam filter, or somebody's delete key could have been a little too quick when trying to get rid of the spam that made it through their filter. (Ask me how I know about this last one!)


Most businesses do their best to respond to customer emails within 1 to 2 business days of receipt, I've found.

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Good news, I just got confirmation that my order has shipped!


I'm glad to hear it. Sometimes, they are quick in sending responses, and other times they are not. I am sure they are overloaded with orders and will get the orders out as soon as they can.


It's such a crazy time of year for all the companies, trying to fill orders.


I hope you get your items quickly. It really is a good company.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got an order from here. It is the fastest I have ever gotten it.

I ordered it on the 18th of Dec and got it on hte 21st.

The last time I ordered from them, it took 5 days from the time I ordered it till they shipped it. Go figure:think.

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