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I"m in a crochet slump again!

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Well, I'm in a slump again! I can't decide what to make. I want to crochet, but have no idea what. I've gone through my patterns, but I'm just not really motiviated, but I want to be!


I do have 2 orders for hats. I should get on those.


newsboy type hats, and an ear flap hat.


Hmm. what are your favorite patterns for these hats? I did the ear flap hat from the happy hooker book, but wasn't too happy with it. Just the placement of the flaps, as well as that they were more square than rounded.

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LOL!!! I have also found myself in a slump!!! Soooo many xmas gifts to make but i can't decide on what!!! For earflap hats, there is a good one here:


(i know it's a chicken hat, but if you leave off the chicken it's a cool hat!!)




(this one i'm doing for my kids!)



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my fav pattern for an ear flap hat is the mountain cap pattern on crochet pattern central, I just add a few more rounds with increases in to make it adult size if its adult hats you want to make! hope that helps you out of your slump! :)

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I can't figure out how any of us can get into a slump. No, really. I always have a list longer than God could finish, ha, ha, ha.


I just finished a chenille bag to keep my Tarot cards in.


I'm almost finished with a little crocheted turquoise barn that replicates one my dad built. He recently painted his barn turquoise to match his house, so I copied it to surprise him.


I am just itching to start the Candy Apple Shrug for me, but I can't until after Christmas.


Some of the Christmas things I am crocheting are bees, candles, a stuffed lamb, a camo face mask, a camo tissue box cover, a sugar and creamer potholder and hot mat set, neck warmer, and an octopus. I can't remember the rest of them right now.


Other works in mind: a shawl for a friend, a hoodie for me, 2 different table covers, cotton mats for the hutch, 4 cat beds, more chenille bags.


This doesn't even count charity work. Pick one charity or one type of charity to crochet for. I do Preemie blankets and clothing. I would also like to add pet beds for the local animal shelter.


See, there's lots you can do. The items I listed are just the ones I could think of quickly. I didn't even go look at my actual listing!

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Yeah me too. I've gone through my printed out patterns, and am going to start going through my crochet mags, but nothing has really "moved" me yet! rofl. I picked out a couple of hat patterns to try. The ski mask, and an ear flap hat, i think from lionbrand maybe, or somewhere......


Hmm. I wonder if I should try a small christmas something, ornament to start off with. Or maybe I should just start weaving in ends of shawls I have made. I don't know!!!!!!

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I have figured out what I want to make! Well, kinda.


I want to make a lapghan, or small afghan. For the person I work for in my part-time job. He has totally helped me out a lot, and I really respect him.


So far, I was thinking of the Pretty Pink Pinapples blanket, or the Crochet Heriloom Baby Blanket, or another lap blanket.


what are some other ideas?

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I'm rarely in a slump as I have a lot of WIP and WIM. But the few times I decide I'm not interested in crocheting I move on to another medium and bead, or sew, or skip it altogether and read a book when my hands would other wise be idle.


When it comes down to it, unless I'm sleeping, my hands always have something in them.

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New yarn gets me out of slumps, lol. If I can't afford that (or have too much already), I browse the 'net for inspiration. I have a folder titled 'Crochet Ideas'. When something catches my eye while surfing (stitch, color combo, yarn or design), I'll add the pic to my folder for future reference.

And then, sometimes, you just have to take a break for a few days to keep from getting burned out.

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