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2008 Pattern A Day Crochet Calendar

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I know there have been a thread or two about this already, and I agree with those who were not all that impressed with it, but I have a gripe about it. There are a number of patterns (of course I looked through the whole thing already) that are in pattern books I've already purchased! This kinda makes me angry. I thought there would be all original patterns, and I am ticked that I just repurchased patterns that are in books I already own. This is the first time I've bought this calendar, and I won't be buying it again!!! :angry

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I found that too, patterns I already have, but I was just tickled to actually get one this time ~ and there are lots in there I don't have and wouldn't have found around here.

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I know there have been a thread or two about this already, and I agree with those who were not all that impressed with it, but I have a gripe about it. There are a number of patterns (of course I looked through the whole thing already) that are in pattern books I've already purchased! This kinda makes me angry. I thought there would be all original patterns, and I am ticked that I just repurchased patterns that are in books I already own. This is the first time I've bought this calendar, and I won't be buying it again!!! :angry


I was actually impressed with mine! Compared to last year, the pictures and layout is much better and I love it!


There are SEVERAL original patterns in there that you won't get anywhere else. Just look at all the Anna Blatt (or whatever her name is) designs in there! There are several which I have NEVER seen before and according to her website, you have to purchase patterns and they aren't cheap so right there it's worth it!


For less than $15 what do you expect? If they were ALL designs not offered elsewhere it would cost much more than it already does!!!


I really hope Annie Modesitt doesn't read Crochetville because with all the negative comments about her calendar she might just stop making this thing... I for one think you get what you pay for and for the amount of money you pay for this, it's a steal!

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There are SEVERAL original patterns in there that you won't get anywhere else. Just look at all the Anna Blatt (or whatever her name is) designs in there! There are several which I have NEVER seen before and according to her website, you have to purchase patterns and they aren't cheap so right there it's worth it!


For less than $15 what do you expect? If they were ALL designs not offered elsewhere it would cost much more than it already does!!!


I really hope Annie Modesitt doesn't read Crochetville because with all the negative comments about her calendar she might just stop making this thing... I for one think you get what you pay for and for the amount of money you pay for this, it's a steal!


Well, not to be as nasty as you, but I don't agree. Not when I have paid full price for patterns online or have purchased books that average about $25 each, and then I see the patterns again after I have out laid more money. I pay for patterns I like, I don't wait around for freebies.


And I hope Annie Modesitt does read Crochetville, and I'm sure she does, I think the calendar should be all original patterns not previously published ones. I would be willing to pay more for the calendar if that was the case.


But you're right, what do I expect for $15? Nothing it seems. I won't buy it again and I won't recommend it to my crochet and knitting groups. I had the knitting one on my Christmas list, but it's off now.

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There are a number of patterns (of course I looked through the whole thing already) that are in pattern books I've already purchased!

What patterns, what books?

I'd be angry, too.


I really hope Annie Modesitt doesn't read Crochetville because with all the negative comments

I don't know if she has anything to do with it anymore. Her name isn't on the front, it's someone else.

Honestly I hope one of them lurks here. Maybe we'll get better calenders.

I'm tired of all the free patterns on line being in the calender and I'm really tired of people saying things like: "well it saves on ink" or "now they're all in one place". I pick and choose what I save and print that's free. I don't need a bunch of free patterns in a calender that I never wanted in the first place.

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Yeah.... I always recognize at least a few of them. I got the knitting calendar too and was glad for all those since I don't browse knitting patterns like i do crochet :lol . But yeah, there were undoubtably a lot more good & unique ones this year, despite the few that I have already seen. I don't know if you've gotten the calendar for the past couple of years. If not, that may be why this one doesn't strike you as much as it does some other folks. Of course I would be happier if none of the freebies already online weren't in there. But I guess I expect to see a few. If I had a pattern out there good enough to submit for $ that I already posted around as free, I'd submit it to....

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First, I love this calendar, and can't wait to get my 08 copy.

Second, I've submitted 4 original designs to the 08 issue.


Anyone who submits, does not get paid for their pattern. Some may include ones they have online for extra exposure. (I don't know I don't have any of my designs online. okay, I HAD a ladybug purse on the ville. I took the px down, and I should take the link down, since it is in the 08 calendar) The other three are not anywhere else. So a few duplications, while annoying, are probably understandable. Also, anyone who submits, still retains copyright, so they can publish, sell, submit, whatever after the calendar is out.


I guess, if you don't like a few duplications (I don't know how many, I'm not online looking for patterns all day...so maybe there's more than I think), then spend your $15 somewhere else. But *I'm* still going to get this calendar, and keep getting it. I'm glad this calendar exists. I enjoy reading it. I hope it keeps coming. It keeps getting better, I think. The more of us that submit original designs, the fewer "web"/for purchase duplicates they'll have room for :)


As to patterns purchased found in the calendar...I don't purchase too many (budget constraints) so I don't think I can reply to that either.



Yeah.... I always recognize at least a few of them. . . .[deleted] . . .If I had a pattern out there good enough to submit for $ that I already posted around as free, I'd submit it to....
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