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Ignore CPC Tonight, if you please :o)


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Hey...sorry for the trouble on CPC.


If you want any patterns that are any more recent than July 2007, don't visit CPC tonight.


Long story made short: The server died, the backup copy was put on a brand new faster server, everything (ok most everything) was tested, it was pronounced to be fine, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Came home to find half a dozen emails asking what happened to the links on the What's New Page. Good question. Turns out the backup copy that was put on the new server was from July 2007.


So tune in tomorrow...by afternoon I've been assured the up-to-date copy will be on and there will be (hopefully!) smooth sailing from there.



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I wondered what was going on...I'll check back later. I commiserate with you. I've had a few problems with my host but mostly it's been smooth sailing. Of course I don't get nearly the volume that you do!

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