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Bath Puff


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So I thought I'd make a bath puff as a quick project... little did I know that the pattern I chose would take me 3 days to finish (granted, I only got to work on it a couple hours a day). Anyway, this is the pattern I used. Maybe the name "Super-Sized Puff" should have given me some kind of a hint... this bad boy is 6 inches in diameter, I can barely fit it in the palm of my hand. It took up nearly a whole 1 pound ball of Sugar N' Cream :)




Ok, I had to add a second pic of me holding it so you can really appreciate it's huge-ness :lol


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Had to laugh when I saw this post. I made one this weekend. It is a tab bit smaller than yours and only used 1 regular size ball of Sugar N Creme. I thought it wouldn't take long to make either. But it took me a whole movie!! Check out my blog to see mine.

BTW - what color did you use? I love it!

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That is pretty, but its going to be super heavy when wet! I found that my littler one never dried and I only shower once a day.


I love to look at them though!


LOL. I know! It already weighs a ton without even being wet :lol


I'm thinking of frogging it and making a mini version :)

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Had to laugh when I saw this post. I made one this weekend. It is a tab bit smaller than yours and only used 1 regular size ball of Sugar N Creme. I thought it wouldn't take long to make either. But it took me a whole movie!! Check out my blog to see mine.

BTW - what color did you use? I love it!


That would be Sugar N' Cream "Desert Rising"

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