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No Crochet Magazines


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I have just learnt today that here in the UK we do not have one single crochet magazine.


Have you seen some of the magazines that are printed and sold??:eek


Really strange ones that you wouldn't think would have a readership.


But not one single tiny little Crochet one.:ohdear


As you might tell from this I am most indignant.:angry Why isn't there one??:shrug


You guys all talk about great publications that you read and have delivered. Well think yourselves very very lucky. Think of all of us over here without even a one. :cry

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What about e-bay?


Also, there is a forum for buy/sell/trade here at the 'Ville.


They might not be the most current issues, but they might be less expensive than ordering overseas subscriptions.


Although, you certainly could contact magazines & see what their subscription rates are for your country.


I'm sorry for the lack of availability of magazines for you.

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I, for one, am very surprised. There is a European firm that publishes MANY crochet (and knit) magazines in German, French, Italian, and *Polish* and Russian, too. I am really surprised that none of them have English versions for the UK!

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I'm with ya on this one. (Although I haven't been to WHSmiths for aaaaaages!!). I've checked online for UK crochet subs and not one came up on the search engine, they were all knit mags.


As has been said, there are a lot of European mags, so why no UK :think ?


Is there anyone we can petition to, to get some publications over here?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

We used to not have many crochet magazines here in Australia, too. But, over the last couple of years, the regulars - Crochet!, Crochet Today, Interweave Crochet, Crochet World (used to be the only one available) have started turning up regularly. The problem is that...you need to take out a second mortgage to buy them! Very expensive, so it's a matter of deciding if you NEED to buy, rather than just doing so as a routine.....good in a way, as I'm more likely to make something when I've really had to think about it.....

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