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For all of the science nerd crocheters out there

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Crochet chaos didn't work for me, but I liked the hat. It's doodle at the top is really eye catching. I also liked the link to the orginial idea. Someone with a definate since of humor there!

So is the doodle a handle for quick take offs?

I've done something like you mobius strip several times by mistake. I've always frogged mine.

Really funny, thanks for posting it for us at the 'ville!

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LOVE them, thanks for the links and the pix of the hat. I've made my own intentional and non-intentional Moebius strips before (the latter a twisted foundation chain on a skirt, the former a lacy mohair scarf/shawl from the 2006 crochet-a-day calendar) but never thought of the Klein bottle and certainly not as a hat. Need to think through how that pattern works.


There have been sporadic posts about the utility of crochet as a 3d modeling tool but I hadn't specifically seen the Lorenz manifold before.


Fwiw, a while back I went in search of crocheted fractals..got any samples of those?




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Elissa -


I think I had seen some crocheted fractals floating around out there somewhere at one time, but derned if I can remember where, and of course the bookmarks are on my fried hard drive.


The Lorenz manifold is beautiful and really, really makes me wish I'd finished college, so I could understand the math behind it.

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I just got a new crochet book today - Ruthie Marks' Geometrics: A New Way to Crochet, and it's got Dragon Curves (aka Snuggly Wugglies), Golden Ratio, and Fibonacci Sequence patterns in it.


The woolythoughts site is listed in the resource section of the book.


I'm no major math whiz - but what's unique to me is that when I got into Geometry, it made Algebra make sense for me. Guess this just is more geometry - with hook and yarn attached. :lol:hook:yarn

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