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middle of doilies cupping when crocheting?


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I'm new to this whole doily thing and am working on a pattern right now. http://pandacrochet.8m.com/momscrystal.html However, I was wondering if it was normal for the middle to cup a bit? I don't know if it's just my gauge being off since I need to train my fingers more to know the tension of the thread instead of WW yarn. Or maybe the pattern? Or maybe that is just something normal that happens?



Either way, I know that you block it afterwards to get it nice and flat. Would blocking help eliminate that little cup? I started the pattern over about half way through thinking maybe it is tension but it is still kind of cupping.


Now, if this is totally normal and just blocking would help get rid of it, that would make me very happy! I just don't know if that is a normal thing with doilies or if I should be working far far harder on tension.

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I ve had the same problem with some of my pieces, sometimes is a matter of getting your tension tighter as you go , sometimes it s the pattern, but the good thing is , that once you block it , it will be perfect :) You will get the hang of holding the tension pretty soon (try running the thread through your fingers :) )

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:cheer:cheer I have printed off the pattern and tried it and the writer does say that it cups a little on row 4 but improves on the next couple of rows.

I think it could be fixed, simply by doing only 4 CH, instead of 6, at the start and by putting 1CH extra between the shells on row 3.

It is a well written pattern and very easy to follow.

Have fun.


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I just got home from work, and was catching up on here, came across this thread and I just had to laugh. I started this exact doily last night and was having the same problem :lol. I frogged it, had the same problem again, frogged it again, started with a chain 4 instead of chain 6 and it is working much better. It is still cupping slightly, but I can work with it.

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Thanks you guys so much! I knew that it was suppose to cup a bit but it just kept that shape! I'll make sure to try out the ch 4 next time instead. I want to make several of these since I do really like the pattern and it is fairly easy.


This time however I'm just chalking it up to experience. I've put so much work and frogging into that thing that I'm just relying on blocking to fix that kink, but next time, I will definitely try that ch 4 instead.

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:cheer I tried the pattern again, with some cotton and on row 3 I actually worked CH2, 1DC into the place between the Shells, CH2 then carried on to the next Shell.

The bit in red replaced the CH3 and actually helps it to sit even better.

On Row 4, you just do the single DC into the top of the DC which you added to Row 3.

The rest is done as per the pattern.

I have not got as far as where the writer says it will cup again but I am sure there will be a simple solution to the problem there as well.

Hope this helps.

Have fun.


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Here is the one I made. It still needs blocked, but for only doing a few things in thread so far, I think it came out ok.


It did 'cup' in both places like she said, but it flattened back out again with the following rows.


I like this pattern and will be making more of them :yes






both clickable

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:cheer I also made two of these doilies but I adapted the pattern so it did not cup at all. Mine are just ecru so not as pretty as the red. Maybe I will take a picture anyway.

It is a very well written pattern so was very easy to follow.

I see that part of it was written by one person and the rest by another, with permission.

I like that attitude.

Have fun.


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:cheer The reason mine is Ecru is because I have a HUGE cone of cotton which is Ecru. It is too fine (For me) to crochet single so I doubled it and used a 2.5mm hook to try the pattern.

I liked the look of it so made a second one to keep it company.

Well, I have almost finished the second one, if I want to be totally truthful.

I will take a picture when I have finished the second one.

Mine has come out about 16 inches across.

Have fun.


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:cheer Here is a pic of the first one I did.


As you can see, I altered it so it looks quite different to the beautiful red one.

You can see the extra DC in row 2 and I also made more spokes in the fan so it sat better.

My sides are quite straight.

Just shows how a pattern can be done by different people to reach a totally different look.

Have fun.


I added a round of DCs to the outside then did crab stitch to finish.

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