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It's Not Just Us....


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I went to a conference for my job today in another town. I wasn't sure where to go, so I had left my house early and also arrived early at the conference. Since I never take the chance of having to wait somewhere without something to do (crochet, of course!) I had my car WIP ready to go (currently a FBB). So, I'm happily stitching away when another car pulls up alongside me. I notice, out of the corner of my eye, that this person doesn't get out of the car, either. So I look over and the driver is happily stitching away at a very cute-looking embroidery pattern for Halloween! I just had to laugh and wished I could see what she was working on better! We both worked on our WIPS until it was time to go in and register for the conference.


It's not just us!!! :lol :lol

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Oh yes, when I take my crochet to doctor and dentist visits, the women always say "I wish I'd thought of that." I'll bet a lot more of them do now.


At my last doctor visit, once I was in the examination room, the nurse who came in to take my blood pressure said "O-o-o-o-h, let me see what you're making." Then the doctor (a woman) came in and said "Gosh, I tried that and it was a miserable failure. What have you got there?" I loved it.


Real Deal

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Our community suffered a horrible crime last weekend and we met for a town meeting, packing the school auditorium to hear the police explain and assure us ... I knew I would not want to work on a WIP (the crime was against a child by an adult well known and liked) but I did take with me a big tangled skein I've been meaning to untangle and wrap in a ball and so for 2 hours I sat there doing just that as people on either side of me watched my progress ... it was therapeutic not only for me but for them as the ball grew and the mess shrank.

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