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I'm teaching again!!

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After becoming a member of the family at another LYS, I was asked to teach crochet there. My first class is this Thursday, the 13th. There are 5 or 6 spots in the class, and it filled up so quickly, it almost blew my mind!! :yay

We'll be making a simple dishcloth using Manos cotton, and if anyone wants to branch out to something more difficult, we'll head in that direction.

I'm so excited!!! And now that I'm not working (but hope to be again soon), the money I make with this class will help our budget as well!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Congratulations! So, how is the class going? Having any hook wars yet? LOL I learned in 7th grade and we would get in trouble for that all the time... I used to put my hair up with my hook too so it was always handy. I am glad No Loose Ends found this so it didn't slip by everyone!

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Thanks y'all!! :c9


Tonite was the last class....I only lost one student because she couldn't quite get it. She got frustrated with herself, but intends to try again soon. I think she got a little intimidated by the rest of the class, who seemed to catch on quickly.


Two of the ladies started on felted purses, and another has gone to town, making baby hats and blankets!! :cheer


All in all, it went very well, and I already have had requests for the next class. A couple have mentioned snowflakes....... :eek

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is so exciting!! I am going to be teaching at JoAnns starting again in January. Adults this time!! The begining class teach says that her students are asking about making granny squares, so I am going to teach that. I hope I get some students!!! Great Job on your class CD Bear!!! :cheer

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