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I'm Falling For You .......................


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Thanks Cara. It just gets to the point where you start to think-ok, enough already!! I just talked to her and she is going to see her dr tomorrow am, so hopefully he will be able to give her more information on what to do next.

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Yep. It was to verify kidney cancer. Doc says "I'm 90% percent sure it's cancer". Just called the doctors office and lit a fire under them for the results. Let's hope it does some good. Don't know how much longer I can take :P

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Gina - A day or two is what I was told. Trying to get them to rush it. I've been at this about 5 months now.


Judy - Yeah just the one. The right side. The gal didn't spend but 30 seconds on the left one but way too much time on that right one for my comfort :P

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Oh and "just" is a good word Judy. We want it to "just" be the one :yes:hug Plus I'm darned near impossible to offend :hug

I also have a thick hide, my friend...but some people don't - and I do tend to blurt out things:P


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Wow, there's some serious talent here! I've only looked through the first 80 posts and am amazed!


So far I have one question. What is a saltine?


Also, I tried downloading the chart from Happy Yellow House and I guess the site was too busy!




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Yeah I'm noticing myself that Happy Yellow House seems to be on the fritz :angry:rant And we pay for this service :thair


Jeannie - A saltine is what they've nicknamed the little squares :lol And thank you for your well wishes, hon :hug

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Yeah I'm noticing myself that Happy Yellow House seems to be on the fritz :angry:rant And we pay for this service :thair


Jeannie - A saltine is what they've nicknamed the little squares :lol And thank you for your well wishes, hon :hug

Well, I hope Happy Yellow House gets better soon!


So I could lay out a bunch of crackers into a rectangle and squeeze out colored cake icing to make a design. Yuck! Don't think they make cake icing in too many fall colors anyway or maybe they do. Oh, I could use snack size graham crackers! How many saltines across and how many down?:lol:lol



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Cara, you crack me up!


So, I'll ask my design question over here since there is a sloightly different crowd than the Fall ghan board.


Y'all know about the monster (king sized) Around the World I'm doing. Well, I should be done with the squares on Wednesday or Thursday, and I need to come up with my final decision for the border. I know I want to use the variegated yarn, but I don't know what pattern. Since the varigated is not the darkest or brightest I'm afraid a simple sc/crab edge would get totally lost. So far, I only have two ideas:


1) sc round, dc round, sc round, reverse sc round


2) sc round, dc shells round


3) any other brilliant ideas- I'm open!!






Oh good grief. I just noticed that I AM on the Fall board. I get SO confused. I need to cross post this to the Happy House board!

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Julie B - I'm no designer - but I think that with the ATW design - a very simple border would be called for - 'cause it's so magnificent. I think finishing it off with the rsc would look very nice, but I don't know if I could handle it, myself. If you don't mind rsc then I'd say go for choice #1.

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