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Input Needed: Looking for advice from MP3 player users

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I'm looking for some help/input/advice from those who actually have (& use) an MP3 player. (I don't have or use one as of yet.)


My 13 yr. old dgd is going to be getting a new MP3 player for her upcoming b-day in Sept. and I want to make her a case/holder for it but I really am not too fond of the crochet patterns that I have found for such things. (The designs/patterns are good but I don't think my dgd would like them.) I'm thinking about designing one for hers and need to get some input/help about the best way it should be held/worn.


[i should also say that she's more of a tomboy and doesn't wear dresses/skirts very often - she also doesn't carry a purse (at least not that I'm aware of anyways *L*). She used to have a different MP3 player but it finally died (I think she accidentally dropped or broke it) and I know it had a cracked screen from being dropped previously but it still worked with the cracked screen.]


Go here to see a pic of the player that she will be getting - it's white and is Model #SV-MP020:

http://www2.panasonic.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/vModelDetail?storeId=15001&catalogId=13401&itemId=97140&catGroupId=25021&modelNo=SV-MP020W&surfModel=SV-MP020W&cacheProgram=11002&cachePartner=7000000000000005702 or use TinyURL for above long link: http://tinyurl.com/ldkea

The dimensions for it are 2-7/16'' x 1-1/8'' x 1-1/8'' (measurements are in inches).


Should the case be designed to hold the player as it's shown or would it be better to have it going vertically?


Should it have an opening (or maybe a viewing window with a flap?) for the controls/front of the player or not?


I'm thinking about having 1 or 2 small pockets on the case for holding/storing the earphones and/or possibly 1 or 2 extra batteries. I'm also trying to decide if it should be something worn around the neck/shoulder or a clip-on for a belt loop or kind of a combo deal/option of those.


BTW-FYI-I've already looked at some of the following patterns so please do not send me the link(s) for them:



http://designedlykristi.com/knitting/freepatterns/DKnanonecklace.pdf (knit pattern in .pdf)




http://www.crochetmagazine.com/freepatterndetails.php?id=42 (Mini Tech Holder Crochet Pattern worn on the arm)

http://www.diynetwork.com/diy/na_knitting/article/0,2025,DIY_14141_5188405,00.html (To Hide & Hold Hairband)


Any thoughts/ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :):hook


My dgd does have a cell phone but may be getting a new one or a different model so I'm not going to try to make her a cell phone/MP3 combo case holder just yet but it may be something I will try making for her later.



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I have an ipod Nano (my 2nd one) long story...


Although my hubby bought a rubber case for mine, I've often thought about crocheting a case and how I'd need to design it to be the most useful. Perhaps these considerations might also affect how your daughter uses hers too:

  • If she plans to listen to it while it's still in the case, leave a little opening for the headphone jack.
  • If it has a "hold" button like an ipod does, you'll want to leave a little opening for that as well.
  • Although I have a viewing window on mine, I'm mostly concerned with reaching the buttons to change the tune and increase/decrease the volume if I have to when I'm "out and about". That would be more important to me than seeing the viewing window. Maybe making a case that allows her to reach the controls without opening the case everytime would be helpful. I know where all the controls are instinctively so I don't even need to look at it to change the tune, etc.
  • I hate to take mine out of the case while I'm on public transit. I have visions of getting "swarmed" for my ipod because someone's identified it and wants one "for free".

Keep in mind, of course, if it's purely for storage purposes (to keep it from getting scratched while it's in her purse), it probably wouldn't matter whether you make a case that's vertical or horizontal.


Hope this helps and doesn't confuse.



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I made one for my mp4 player and I hated it. Because I wanted to make sure I could watch the videos, I left an opening for the screen, a strip between the screen and the controls, and left an opening for the controls. The problem was then that I didn't always get a good connection with the headset because I was going between stitches.


I was also trying to get it so I could wear it working out. I would never do that again. If I decide to make another one, I will make it like a sleeve/pocket and that's it.


If it's for storage, the sky is the limit! :) Ask her what she wants for a case and run with it!! :)


Actually, my next one will probably look this this one (pdf file!) without the flower or this one. You know...because I work out so often. :reyes:2blush

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I have an iPod. I've thought about making a case for mine, but I haven't.

1. I haven't been able to design one where I can get the clip out to clip it onto my bag, pocket, seat back of the plane etc.

2. I don't want to have to remove it to play and leaving openings for the controls and window, just about makes the rest of it useless. Also, I don't want to have to remove it to charge/sync it and the plug for that is on the bottom.

3. I like the color of my iPod (blue)

4. I'm worried about leaving the top open and having the iPod fall out. By this, I mean that while it is in my bag or whatever or if it's sideways on my bag sliding out. I'm sure if it was clipped or held vertically, it would be OK.


It looks like the one your GD will be getting would be hard to design for because the controls and the face are on perpendicular surfaces. I like being able to see/use all the functions on whatever I have (phone, player, camera etc) therefore, my cases all seem to have more holes that fabric in design phase. If you think she's just going to hit play and go on with life, maybe I'd make one that holds it vertically with a neck strap and maybe a little pocket to hold the earbuds. Either that or I'd make her a full size purse with a pocket on the outside for the player (again verticle) and maybe one for a cell phone (if she doesn't have one, eventually she will... and besides, they make nice easy change pockets).


Mind you, this is just my $0.02 worth, so take it or leave it. Some people love cases for their electronics, but I don't. (I also don't cary or like purses... so I'm an odd chick....)

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I have an iPod, I want to make a sleeve for it mostly because I have the neoprene one and a leather one that I have bought for it and they work great because I can clip those on. I haven't seen a crochet case that I liked other than the sleeves, which are great for when you are storing it in your purse or backpack or even pocket. Hers looks nice and compact, the only problem I find is that the controls and jack are on two seperate sides, which make it hard for you to make two openings.

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I made this case for my nano. I wanted to be able to use the controls without taking it in and out of a case.


It's not closed on the top, I did a single stitch decrease to tighten the top so it can still slip in and out. I still have to remove it to sync it.


I like to see the screen because I mainly listen to podcasts.


My nephew--he's 9--saw mine and wanted me to make him one--this one is actually the one I just made for him. (Mine is pink, to match the pink nano!)

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id make a vertical sleeve with a neck strap, maybe a hole for the headphone jack

im guessing the headphone jack is on one of the sides


she'll be able to lisen to it while its in the cozy, but she'll have to take it out to change the song and such


but if she memorizes where the buttons are she might be able to press them threw the cozy


hers is so small if you make it so she can get to everything the cozy wont do much good



i have an ipod, the cozys i make for it are basically a vertical envelope with a pocket on the back for my headphones

it has a flap on the top and a button closure, but the button has scratched my ipod screen a bit

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Here's a couple of quick pics for what I've done so far in my attempt to make a case/holder for my dgd's mp3 player:






The pics should be clickable (I hope! :scrachin ).


I have some other ideas that I want to try out so this will probably be the first of at least a few attempts/cases. :lol (If nothing else, it should/will give my dgd a few options as for what case she wants to use and wherever she goes if I end up making more than just 1 or 2 cases/cozies for the player. :laughroll:rofl )


This 1st cozie/case will probably end up as a kind of wristlet type one with a drawstring - I think I'll just add a small (carbiner) clip from the dollar store so she can clip it onto her belt loop or a purse strap or whatever.

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I'd be a bit worried in your sample that you can stretch the yarn around and it would fall out. Really, seeing the display isn't necessary. When you are listening, you just skip past songs you don't want to listen to; you never look at the display. I think I'd close up the display, do a bit of filet crochet over the controls to give the that opening a little more stability, and make sure there is a hole for the earbud and hold button. Just my $.02

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I think it looks pretty cool. I use the display on mine all the time, but then again, it's my watch while I'm on an airplane. That and I like to pick and choose my songs, not always have it on shuffle. I think it should stay pretty well, I might add a row or two to the strip on the 'corner' between the controls and the face (making the openings a little smaller).

I live the idea of the caribener, that's great for belts/backpacks and the like. Unfortunately, it doesn't really work well (I've tried) on seat-back pockets. :sigh I'll come up with something one of these days.... maybe...

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That is really turning out nice!! Definitely write up the pattern when you're done!! :)


Makes me want to revisit mine...heehee. I have to admit, I also used a bulky yarn....methinks thread would have been better!! :lol I'll try to remember to post a pic this week sometime...

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I've been working on the cozie/case and am in the process of making a cover to go on/around it.


I also have another cozie/case started for it using 7-count plastic canvas to go inside a crocheted cozie/case to help make the case a little sturdier/stronger with a place for 1 or 2 extra batteries and/or the earphones. :) I may end up doing a one in just plastic canvas if/when I get enough time. :lol


I almost had the pc case liner done the other night but then I realized I forgot to make the openings on it for 3 sides of the darn thing plus the opening on the bottom of it for the USB cord. :eek I ended up taking it apart and salvaging the pieces of it for a new one. :lol


I bought some cute buttons to decorate the case(s) with but am waiting to see which one of the case(s) will get it/them on. *LOL*


I'll try taking some pics of the various stages/cases as soon as I get a chance.

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Oh, I forgot to say that I found a small package of cute carbiners at Hobby Lobby in different shapes - a star, heart, mouse head outline, dog bone, and small regular carbiner. I think they'll work for the case(s) and I hope my dgd likes them!


The package/set was $2.99 and I used a 40% off coupon to buy it this wk since it was the most expensive thing I had that wasn't already on sale/clearance. :lol (I found some good stuff on clearance this time around including some Sifonia yarn for $2.99 along with some other odds and ends of things! :D ) I even bought some Chibi needles thanks to HL having 50% off on all knitting and crocheting accessories this wk.

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