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How to line a bag??



I am working on a bookbag for my DD for the 1st grade. It is almost done! It is done in hdc with ww yarn and a g needle. My stitches are tight and will last for a while but as any of you with kids know...how long will it actually last??? ;) I want to line it with a cotton/poly material to keep the stiches from stretching and to last alittle longer. I have never done it before.


Let me first let you all know...like alot I do not have the funds to purchase anything new. I have a sewing machine so I thought I might do it that way. Mom said she has and it was hard. She suggested that I hand sew it in with tapestry needle with matching yarn. That is a doable option. I also thought about ss it in but, I do not have anything other than the tap needle to punch holes in the material and my machine does not have a large needle either.


Or would you suggest using a regular needle and thread? What do you think??

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8 answers to this question

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Sewing thread and needle. Just work the thread around a strand of yarn when attaching to the purse.

Some links that can help, they helped me!


Fabric Help, purse linings

Machine or Hand Sew a Liner?

lining a purse.. pointers??

Purse/bag lining?

Lining a Bag???


Those should help you get started. If you have any other questions I"m sure someone here can help.

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Thanks, that does help! I know that I am going to have to machine sew the lining, then I might try to hand sew it into the bag. Im not sure how to cut the fabric since it is an ova, flat bottom bag.

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Get some cotton fabric for the lining

measure from the top edge of the bag down to the botton (ignore oval)

add 1/2 inch to turn over at the top and 1/2 to the side for a seam.

Cut this out and you will have a rectangle 1/2 inch wider than the inside round measurement of the bag and 1/2 inch taller. Sew the side seam 1/2 and turn over the top edge and iron it down. Sew it down with a machine or by hand to hold it in place. Cut out the oval part separatly and add 1/2 to the measurement and sew it to the bottom of your rectangle that is now a tube shape. Remember to put the lining into the bag with the pretty side where you can see it and pin it in place all around the bag. Now sew by hand with little stitches all around the bag and you will have lining!! :manyheart

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Double your fabric so you have two layers (right sides facing). Lay your bag on top of the fabric and trace around it with a pencil. Cut it out about 1/2" bigger around the sides and bottom, and at least 1" bigger at the top.


If you want to add pockets, sew them onto either or both of the lining pieces now.


Start at the top and sew down one side, around the bottom, and up the other side (leaving the top open). Before doing the hem, you can give a more finished edge to the side and bottom seams by triming them to 1/4" wide and then doing a wide zig-zag stitch over the raw edges of the seams.


For hem at top, fold under 1/4" at the top and press, then fold under an additional 1" at the top and press. Sew around hem close to the 1/4" folded edge. Fit into bag and pin well around top. Sew close to top folded edge, removing pins as you go.

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Thank you all for your help and directions! :hug I haven't sewed anyting more difficult than a pillow without a pattern. You would think if I could make Halloween costumes I could do this! :D We will see what happens! I have to dig the machine out of hiding!

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Get some cotton fabric for the lining

measure from the top edge of the bag down to the botton (ignore oval)

add 1/2 inch to turn over at the top and 1/2 to the side for a seam.

Cut this out and you will have a rectangle 1/2 inch wider than the inside round measurement of the bag and 1/2 inch taller. Sew the side seam 1/2 and turn over the top edge and iron it down. Sew it down with a machine or by hand to hold it in place. Cut out the oval part separatly and add 1/2 to the measurement and sew it to the bottom of your rectangle that is now a tube shape. Remember to put the lining into the bag with the pretty side where you can see it and pin it in place all around the bag. Now sew by hand with little stitches all around the bag and you will have lining!! :manyheart


Thank you for that about the oval part. I was crocheting one, but didn't like how it was turning out (I changed hook sizes and it was too big) so I did a different one, but the oval botton was going to be a problem since I didn't know how to line it. I think I may try that pattern or another one.

Thanks again.


PS: I don't do machine sewing so I have to sew mine my hand. I have a mcahine, just have trouble with it... :blush ...

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