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Entering items in local Fairs

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Ok this is going to sound so lame...I am afraid to enter anything in the local fair.:scared I am afraid that I will be disappointed and afraid to be ridiculed. My co workers call me a chicken:hen and after looking at lhasaapsolady's entries, one of them told me that my stuff is "much better than that' :eek I don't agree. I personally think that the things she entered are divine and am unsure how my pitiful attempts would hold up. I found the local fair website and looked at the categories and think I could enter a few things, how would I go about it? I guess I am looking for some advice from experienced exhibitors. Any help/advice would be great.

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OK, I'm not "experienced", but I finally entered my local county fair for the very first time this year. This is something that I have wanted to do for several years, but just never got the nerve to do it. Well this year was the year that our family picked one thing that we always wanted to do and set out to do it {my sister ran the LA marathon!}. I only entered one item because I didn't know what to expect and I didn't want to waste a lot of time and be disappointed. I filled out the entry form on line, which had to be completed in May. Then I started my project, an afghan. Projects had to be delivered to the fair grounds the end of June. The fair started the middle of July, and ends on Sunday. I went into this fair with the attitude that this is my first year, I'm doing this to find out what they are looking for, and to get over that "freshman fear". No expectations, no disappointments! {That's my husband's motto!}

So what you need to do is read over the website, see if you can enter on line or if you need to mail something in, or if you have to do it in person. Be sure to do this by the cutoff date, our fair does not allow late entries. Then work on your projects, or if you have already done them, make sure they are "show ready". By this I mean, clean, pressed if needed, labeled, etc.

You will never know what it's really like until you experience it for yourself. GO FOR IT!!! :hook

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I was sceptical when a friend told me to enter some of my items, but I did it, and 2 got ribbons, which surprised me.

It's worth while, its nice to see your creations on display with others.



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I have entered the McHenry Fair for Five years now. I felt the same way, before I entered for the first time.


Here's some tips for the fair.


1. Find out when the deadline is to sign up. It can be up to a month before the fair. One year, I missed the deadline and I was so disappointed.


2. You pay your fees and sign up for the catagories that you have entries for. Maybe for the first time, enter an afghan and a clothing article, or any other thing. Just to get the feel of what the judges are looking for.


3. When the day is to bring in entries, bring them over to the fairgrounds. You can put an afghan on a hanger, etc. but they don't always display things how you expect them to.


4. Wait for results.


5. Enjoy your winnings. Be surprised at how well you do.


6. Cash your winnings check and spend it on yarn!


It's easy to enter. Once you try it, you'll be hooked.


Some extra tips. On afghans, look for patterns that call for color changes. Do them neatly and hide ends well. Try to look for unusual patterns, not the run of the mill afghans. Design one yourself. I did this year.


As for other items, look for things that are on the different side. A fancy shawl will do better than a easy poncho. Try your best.


Also, make things that you can keep, or give away. You really don't want to hang on to all your stuff. I try to give it all to whoever could use it.


Be sure to read the fair booklet to give you more instructions on when things need to be turned in, how they are to be displayed, etc.


It's a fun thing to do. If you need any help, please PM me and I'll be happy to give you some help.



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Of course you should enter your work, it's very good. Everybody has different tastes, and you never know what the judges will like. You enter what you really like and I'm sure you'll take home many blue ribbons.

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I haven't entered any of my crochet work yet, but plan to next year (too late for this year). I used to enter my cross stitch items for years. Once you enter and get that first ribbon, you will be hooked (pun intended). It is really so much fun to enter and then go and see your work on display. Even if I didn't (and don't) win any ribbons, I still enjoyed seeing my work on display and knowing that lots of people looked at it. Trust me, there is always something that you will look at and go "what were they thinking entering that". I say go for it and enjoy.


Good idea about spending your winnings on yarn - that is my goal. Going to see if I can get this years listings to work from for next year.


Good Luck!

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2. You pay your fees and sign up for the catagories that you have entries for.


6. Cash your winnings check and spend it on yarn!


It didn't cost me to enter, but I didn't win any money either. But what a great way to spend you winnings!

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Finishing (sewing in ends and blocking where appropriate) can "make or break" an entry. If your crocheting tension is even and stitches well-executed, then the judge will look for appeal and the finish. And, from someone who has entered shows (US - fairs) for years, it may be that a judge will have a preference for a particular colour scheme, or a variety of stitches.


I came across a judge at a southern NSW show who didn't like pineapple designs, and I had entered a rather pretty supper cloth in pineapple design. The steward told me afterwards that the judge had looked at the cloth and said, "Oh, not more pineapples!" and discarded the cloth without giving it another look! I entered it in another show and won champion crochet and best in show, against a myriad of other entries!!


You can't win 'em all!!!



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It doesn't cost anything to enter your items. And we are all to critical of our own work...we put ourselves down and are too insecure!!! Go for it!!! Enter your items!!! Our fair allows you to buy Vendor Passes for $8.00 (up to 4 of them good for all 5 days) if you enter 15 items...so call and ask if your fair does that. You don't want to enter 9 items and find out you could get discount admissions for entering 10 items!


When you go to the fair after the judging and see ribbons on your items...it is such a great feeling!!!


Best of luck!!!

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