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This test is now closed. Thanks to all my testers who helped me out. If you want to see the pattern it is available HERE.


To those testers still working on this test, feel free to finish up and still PM me with comments about the pattern. I still look forward to your input.

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Sorry my hubby was trying to hurry me up to get me off the computer. I started a Star-ghan along here on the ville and wanted to do a closed start as compared to the one offered by Beth on her Little star afghan HERE


So I tried to write up a closed start pattern. I've never written out my patterns before and would like to have some people test it before I offer it for sale or for free use.


It wouldn't use a whole lot of yarn, as I think it would only need to be tested to 5 or 6 rounds. I think I'd need more help with the wording than anything.

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So far I have the following testers:








Thank you all for helping me out! If you could take pictures of your finished test I'd appreciate it. Feel free to test with different yarns and/or color changes. Test the pattern to it's limit.

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Okay, I'd love to test your pattern :yes. If you need another tester....I'd be happy to do it. Can you send me a pm with the details?

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I really like the beginning of this pattern. Its worded very well for a pattern-dummy such as myself. I didnt have any problems with it. I also like this pattern better b/c there isnt those bars like in the other pattern for little fingers to catch in. This one is alot better for kid's charity blankies.

Here's my pics: ( kinda patriotic if i do say so myself)




I only did 7 rounds, Im going to finish it tonight with the skein I have left and go to wal*mart for another. These star ghans sure do suck up the yarn.

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Ok testers... I had another idea for the pattern to help close the small 'hole' left by the ring.


Ch2 then 15 dc in 1st ch. Then continue the pattern from there. If someone has not started yet and would like to try this variation, that's be great!

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The pattern was very easy to follow; fast and fun to make. I made the doily with one ball of thread & size D hook in about eight hours.




The red and white is made with four ply yarn and size 8/H hook and obviously not finished yet.




Thank you very much for letting me test it was a real pleasure. :hook


Thanks Peggy for testing it for me. The doily looks great!:clap Thanks for the comments via pm. I will use them to help better the pattern

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The red and white is made with four ply yarn and size 8/H hook and obviously not finished yet.


I LOVE the every other row thing.. Im gonna go do that right now.

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