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This ever happen to you?



I have been trying to design my own unique patterns for what feels like ages and yesterday I was in bed working on a Ripple Afghan/ Bedspread and IT hit me like a ton of bricks !

The strange thing about this idea is that when IT hit me ,in my head I knew exactly how to make it ! All I had to do is sit down, write out the pattern and work it out. This was such a cool feeling for me. I hope I can actually make a little change from my design. I plan on selling it on Ebay and I am going to try Esty.

I want to share it with you so bad but I don't want anyone to claim it as theirs( although I did write down the date and time when I started writing the pattern and I still have the draft copy also). I praised God all day and night yesterday for giving me this talent. I don't know if it will sell or not but this just goes to say Never give up !

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That sometimes happens to me when I don't understand a pattern. If I leave it alone... all of a sudden it makes complete sense.

Hope your pattern does well.

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Here's a little trick that many years ago someone showed me. If you want proof of when you concocted a plan, pattern, song, poem, etc. without copywriting it, write it out, place it in an envelope seal it, sign your name across where the flap and envie join and mail it to yourself. When I do this, I take it to the post office and have them "hand cancel" the front stamp and the back flap. Don't know if it will stand up in court, but seems like a good idea.

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I have looked on Ebay and people just don't buy crocheted afghans. there are some gorgeous crocheted afghans on there all the time and none of them ever get any bids that I have seen. Plus, people are looking for a cheap deal on Ebay for the most part. I would strongly recommend going the Etsy route to really get what your blanket is worth. I am not trying to discourage you at all, just trying to save you some time and possibly frustration.

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Here's a little trick that many years ago someone showed me. If you want proof of when you concocted a plan, pattern, song, poem, etc. without copywriting it, write it out, place it in an envelope seal it, sign your name across where the flap and envie join and mail it to yourself. When I do this, I take it to the post office and have them "hand cancel" the front stamp and the back flap. Don't know if it will stand up in court, but seems like a good idea.


This is actually an urban legend type of thing. There is information on the US Copyright Office website that this does not do anything for you. For more detailed information on copyright, go to http://www.copyright.gov.

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