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Feet Need Socks Crochet-along


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can we find a crochet one of these guys?
I've looked all over the web and there isn't one. I'd like to make one, but haven't made the time! :P
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Woo hoo! I just bid on some sock yarn on ebay. I hope i win it! I want to start my socks! <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/clap.gif" />


oops, I broke my yarn diet though...

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Can I join too? :D

I have not picked up a pattern or yarn yet, but I am so tempted by the socks Chelle and Tiff are making. Great job girls! :clap


I will start working on my sock today! :bigsmile

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Oh, yes, Chie, please do join us! :woohoo I'm adding you to the list. Chelle's and Tiff's socks are inspiring, aren't they?! :bigsmile

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My poor little sock is sitting at my bedside, tempting me to work on it... (the doily on table was made by my great-great grandmother)




But I have to clean, mom-in-law is going to be here tomorrow..:eek

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Beautiful doily! That is wonderful that you have something like that to treasure from your great-great grandmother. No one else in my family crochets (just my sister and I), maybe someday I will pass on a crochet treasure to my great great grandkids :)


Your sock is coming along nicely! I've started my second sock and should be done with it today. Then I will be making a sock for my best friend in red...she loves red! And the book you posted Tiff where your sock pattern is from, I like the fun fur look on the top of the red sock it lists with the book. I dont know if she's a fun fur kind of gal, but we'll see :)

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I was blessed to inherit about 10 doilies made by my great- and great-great grandmothers recently. My great-grandfather is still alive, he was just downsizing to a smaller home and gave us our family heirlooms a little early. I ended up with the "leftovers" once they were split between my grandmother, mom and aunt. I got all of the colored thread doilies because they thought they were "ugly" but I think the patterns are just beautiful.


I'm thinking about ordering the Crocheted Socks! book from Amazon but I'm waiting until a few new crochet books that I'm dreaming about are released so that it can come in one order.

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Thanks Donna!


I crocheted all day today, and my first pair of socks are done already! :rollin


I posted a picture of them on my blog so please come and see. :)

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I need to go back and read every post here, but am too impatient to do that and want to show off the socks I made over the weekend. Yes, I'm bad. <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/frog1.gif" />


<img border=0 src="http://img43.photobucket.com/albums/v133/yarngirl/bobbiesocks.jpg" />


I'm trying to decide how many pairs do I want to make. Plenty I'm sure, there are so many beautiful sock yarns out there that it would be hard to do just one or two pair of socks. <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/wha.gif" />

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Thanks Emily and Tiff! <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/bounce012.gif" /> <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/cloud9.gif" />

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