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Ideas for purse/bag handles, please....

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just put a pair of bag/purse/? handles up in my blog, and although they're up for bids, I thought i'd ask (ok maybe too late, but duh, that's what i do sometimes...ask Karol..... Anyways, i'd like to get some input on handles in general and if anyone thinks there might be a market for a Jimbo kind of handle pair... maybe like the ones in the blog, or something different?


Hoping for your suggestions, i remain



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If you start making bag handles, please do not only make those horrible perfectly round ones! I know lots of women think they're cute, but they feel awkward to me and they hurt my hands if the bag is very heavy at all. It's been hard for me to find a pair of handles that aren't round.


I think you definitely have a market for bag handles.


~ Joy

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I think it's awesome Jimbo!


I would like to see some that are more straight and also more curved. Ones that are straight would be good for those envelope type purses.


But the ones you have on there are totally COOL!

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Ah thanks you guys. Now i'm starting to think about making some that are turned on my lathe.... hmmmmm that could be interesting too.

Oooooh this is exciting! Not that hook making is boring, mind you.... but these handles might be a good way of rescuing sticks from the campfire that couldn't hope to become crochet hooks.


Thanks for the input!!


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I think you could whittle a toothpick and you'd have us scrambling to buy it! :lol I mean it in the very best way! Your work is all very beautiful, and I may even get together enough 'extra' to actually bid on one one day. (I want to pay you what their worth and help that porch along too!)

I know there are lots of people around here who would love a Deadman Crick bag handle. I'm not much on bags or purses, so I don't have any constructive advice other than make a wide variety like your hooks and I'm sure they'll go fast. (Not to mention give you something else to play with creating :D )

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Now i'm starting to think about making some that are turned on my lathe.... hmmmmm that could be interesting too.

I'd love to see a pair of straight handles, with some pretty turning on the ends... maybe with a hole like the ones on your site, to put crocheted straps through. The straight part could either be crocheted over or a flap could be sewn over.


The ones on your site now are really cool!



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If you need a tester I would be more thatn happy to oblige :D


Truthfully I would love to see some unique handles. I am always looking for different and unique way to embellish and adorn my bags. Some nice interesting wooden handles would be right up my alley.


I like the curved ones you have up now also some straight ones with decorative or turned ends would be wonderful.

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ok, i'm convinced to do some turned ones. Maybe i can do a little combination of both.





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