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63 Squares Crochet Along


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I just purchased this booklet(63 easy to crochet pattern stitches) Is it too late to join this CAL? I am making block #10 and it gets wider the more rows that I do, I have dropped hook size with no luck. So, I started block #6 and am having the same trouble......do you think it's because I am kind of new at this? Maybe this is too ambitious a project to start with? Sorry for all the questions, but, I really wanted to challenge myself and I don't want to give up on this.......I am using RH WW, which it appears others are using, just can't figure out why I can't get the gauge...and,yes, please, I will have some cheese with this whine:yarn


Thank you for any response.......


Norma in Ca.

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Hi :hi Norma, and welcome! :welcome

never too late to join this CAL! It's pretty much open ended; folks join, finish their squares, move on, new folks join, ..... (as you can see from my signature, I'm one of the ones who join, do some squares, ...... and never graduate, apparently)


Blocks 6 and 10, huh? First question, did you find this a problem with squares 1 through 4? If they were ok, can you isolate what's different this time around? I haven't done #10 yet, but I did do #6 - Trinity stitch, right? Once I translated what was written down into what to do with my hook, I quite enjoyed that pattern....


Here in a CAL is just the place to ask this sort of question - and it's not whining, so don't worry - you should see some of the questions *I* asked.....:think


Hang in there, this is the perfect CAL to start out on - it will expose you to all sorts of new stitches and techniques, sort of a crochet mini-course. By the time you're done, you'll be able to tackle an amazing variety of patterns, and possess quite an enviable repertoire of stitches with which to make them.


I guess I should warn you though, CAL's are addicting..... :lol


edited to add: oh, by the way, if you can post a pic of your problematic square, we might be able to zero in on the problem faster. Posting a photo at the 'Ville is covered here.

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Thank you for the welcome and the information. I haven't done squares 1-5 because I figured I already knew those stitches:blush OK I will go and start at the beginning. But, I am having a terrible problem with that square 6. When you say when you figured out where to put your hook, that is my problem. How in the world is that stitch done? :lol I have been trying and trying, can't even tell you how many times I've frogged......by the time I get the first row done all I have is a curly-q and pretty sure that isn't how it is supposed to look:think Off subject: I love using these smiley things hope you don't mind.......


Thanks again

Norma in Ca.

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Hi there Norma! Welcome to the CAL.


Sometimes the squares change lengths during the go. Not quite sure why. Thus far, after I've gotten through such a square, it finishes up alright. Is it a large change? Are you keeping the same amount of stitches per row?


& Patricia is right, a picture might help in the diagnosis...


Have a happy holiday tomorrow. :)

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Hi again, Norma!


I remember posting something about what I finally understood about the Trinity stitch and went looking for it; found it here


Hope this helps!


also, since this thread is so long it's kind of hard to dig through it manually, consider using the search function to search on a particular stitch name or number (i.e. #6) - it's a menu option, right center top of page

p.s. I love the smiley's too.... :lol

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Thank you so much for the help with this dang stitch. I just did 3 rows based on your instructions and guess what? No more curly-Q:cheer :cheer You don't know how happy this makes me, I have been struggling with this darn thing for 3 days, have nearly ruined my yarn by reworking it so often:yarn Poor yarn!!! Not to mention my poor brain........I will send pics as soon as I can figure out how to post them, not only am I crochet challenged, but digital camera challenged as well. Oh well, need to take a hands on class for that as well.....so many things that need to be learned not nearly enough time to do it all:lol Also thank you for clueing me in on how to find specific info by using the search.....pretty sure that will be used quite often as I work my way thru this book......thanks again and hope to talk to both of you often. hugs, Norma

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Oh, I'm glad to hear that you succeeded with the Trinity stitch! I've heard difficult squares/stitches called "preachercuss" squares, as in "frustrating enough to make a preacher cuss". I ran up against one such in square pattern #8, the Chevron Stitch. Mine looked ok for the first half, looked nothing like the illustration for the second half! :lol


I'm currently on a thread kick, and haven't picked up my yarn hooks in awhile - your determination is my inspiration to give that ol' preachercuss square #8 another try.....

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Thread is another "want to learn" technique.....but, I have so much trouble with yarn I hesitate to even attempt thread......and yes, yes, yes "preachercuss" is a perfect word(s) for this square and you say that #8 is another one? Oh my!!!! Well, won't worry about that one till I get there and then you'll probably hear me holler clear over to DC from Sacramento, Ca. LOL Norma

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If it is not too late to join I would like to. I have done this pattern a couple of times and really enjoyed learning all the patterns. It seems like I understand the directions a little better each time I make it.


I do work 12 hours shifts so I might not be able to finish it as quickly as most of you

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Hi beatr. :hi It's definitely not too late to join. Welcome aboard! From what I see, progress for us all goes in spurts. At least I know it's that way for me. lol.

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I want to join! I've done the first five squares already, trying to to a square every day or to, whatever I'm able to do in the time I have to do it. From the posts I've just read, I'm guessing any time is a fine time to join! I'm also glad to know that people are here to help with techniques if I get stuck on a new one.

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I'm working on the Trinity stitch right now and was wondering where the name for it came from. You pull through the four loops on your hook... Is it "Trinity" because you pull up 3 loops, and the 4th is already on the hook? I don't know why, but this has been bothering me.

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My book came in the mail today and I have been scanning it.....trying to figure out if I want to go buy all that yarn or continue wtih the projects that i have started?! Probably will end up with the yarn.......:yes:no

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Hi Sherri. :hi I've been buying skeins of yarn as I need them. Since I use no-dye-lot yarn it hasn't been a problem thus far.


Hi IHeartMontana. I'm not sure where the name for the trinity stitch comes from. I thought it was because of the way the cluster of stitches looked...?

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i made my first sqaure today....and accidently ended up personalizing it......I didnt read the directions thoroughly and made the edging all in the off white.....should have been only one, oh well it will be my touch!

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Sherri, congrats on the first square done! And I think we all are personalizing as we go. :lol


Welcome, littleemeraldgreenfrog. :hi

Have you picked out your colors?

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:clap I'll join this, since one of my WIP's is about 5 squares for this blanket! This way I'll get it done!!! I'm doing it with random colors, so it will be nice and tackey! lol:yay


Well, I posted that in March of 2005 and I never did do it, I'm back and now I WILL do this!!! :cheer Still going to do it in all colors! Along with all my other WIPS this will be fun!!! :wooAm I still listed on the Website? I can't get to the members list. Thanks

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Now have 3 done! i really like the look of the finished squares. I was thinking on the way home from work today....I am 1/21 of the way done!


:rofl Yup, that's the way to think of it. :lol

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Mmmm, maybe someone else will be able to answer your question, Breger3; although I'm pretty sure I'm not on the website's list, I'm definitely part of the CAL. And I've the squares to support my claim. :lol


Littleemeraldgreenfrog, navy and winter white sound like they will look beautiful together. Have fun deciding on a third color. :D

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A kind elf gave me this book for Christmas in July which is so exciting as I have been desperate to join you all but couldnt get the book here. In my great excitement I did 2 squares on the train today :D This is going to be my train project a it will be easy to carry along until I have to join them up.

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Welcome cupcake! :yay Glad you finally got your book. Elves can be wonderful, can't they? :)


After drifting along and starting other projects, I actually finished up 2 squares fot this one yesterday. :woo I'm happy to be making progress once again.

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