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63 Squares Crochet Along


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I want to jump on this CAL also. It will be my first CAL and I've been reading all the helpful posts! :cheer

I'm using some of my yarn stash so my blanket will be shades of green with a little yellow. So far, I've completed the first 2 squares (Yeah Me!).

I had to use a G hook for both squares because the H hook just wasn't getting gauge. I'm also having to crochet a bit tighter than I usually do. This project will be good practice for me in keeping gauge because it is something I don't usually really measure.

It looks like fun though. :yay

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Did you try the "Up Down Stitch.. #52" ?... I think that's what it's called :think I tried it whenever I got home and found it to be EXTREMELY easy lol


I gave up on that one after i bought the book. I need to go buy more yarn to finish the first two I did. Then i need to start number 3.

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I've used a G hook for all of my squares except the first one so far. I had to crochet so tightly to get the first one right so I went down to the G and found I could just crochet normally and almost all the squares come out exact. A few are like an 1/8th of an inch off, but I am not going to worry about that.


I did manage to get 2 more squares done yesterday. 19 & 20. I finished up one skein of my brown (main color) so that was nice to see that I really am making progress!

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Yarn Duck: You and I are starting at the same time but you are already ahead of me! :D I'm still working slowly on my Single Crochet Square (#1)while studying for a law school final. I'm new to crochet but I know this stitch and it looks like I will be able to get guage with an H hook. However, I had to frog a few rows when I discovered I had missed a stitch. Uggh!


I should have it finished today - and then on to another square.


Good luck!



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I'll say you've completed BEARS! They are WONDERFUL - - I'm loosing my mind looking at all those cuties! :bheart I do hope you SELL them or can direct me to the patterns? Contact me before I go nuts :waving.


Joyce :cowgirl

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Hi Kelli! :hi Glad to know that I'm not the only one just now starting. I actually bought the pattern about a year ago, but never got together enough yarn together until now.


I've finished up squares 2 and 3. I took photos of both, because I want to start an album of my progress, but they look, well, remarkably alike. :blush

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Julie, you said your squares look alike? Well, my afghan is for my son and he wouldn't know the difference if I did make a mistake or what they looked like. :rolleyes

Good for me! :tup You go girl.

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I'm getting there...I'm now on the Star Stitch square, which is easier than I thought it would be. I'm thinking this stitch would be wonderful for an afghan all by itself...

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I'm getting there...I'm now on the Star Stitch square, which is easier than I thought it would be. I'm thinking this stitch would be wonderful for an afghan all by itself...

That's one of the reasons I'm liking this CAL. All the potential uses for these stitches! :woo I've already done a teapot wiper from the trinity stitch. Kinda tedious, but looks pretty cool.

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That's one of the reasons I'm liking this CAL. All the potential uses for these stitches! :woo I've already done a teapot wiper from the trinity stitch. Kinda tedious, but looks pretty cool.


Hum don't know the "trinity stitch" :hook. Sounds interesting. :D


Joyce :cowgirl

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I just bought my book a week ago and I finished my 5th square today. I would have gone on and started another but my back was killing me from sitting there too long. Maybe tomorrow can get another one done.

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I've made it thru squares 4 and 5. It will be nice to start on some actual pattern squares.


Number 5, the front and back loop hdc, would make nice potholders. Just two squares crocheted together and I may make some this weekend. We need new potholders away.


(post edited because I said #4 instead of #5.)

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I just looked, Texapan, and the trinity square is #6. Really weird at the start, but once the pattern gets past the first few rows, things get easier.


For those who have finished, has anyone noticed a thickness differential in their afghan? Because I'm already noticing that some of my squares are thicker than others.

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I'm getting there...I'm now on the Star Stitch square, which is easier than I thought it would be. I'm thinking this stitch would be wonderful for an afghan all by itself...


Pam, that stitch uses a lot of yarn, but I really like it! I remember the first time I did it, it took me a while to figure it out (for some reason, the drawings never help me out). A few months ago, I used up some baby scrap and made a preemie afghan using the star stitch. Since it's a close stitch, no worries about medical equipment getting hung up, and it should also be nice and warm.

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I know it's a lot of yarn <g>. It's a toss-up between this and the Trinity Stitch (now that I have the hang of it) for my next baby blanket. Right now, I'm working on the "Up and Down" stitch square, which is a welcome rest after all the others.


The kicker is that the woman I'm crocheting this afghan for, for a wedding present, is having second thoughts. :eek AHHHH!!! Of course, I can't say, "You HAVE to get married--I've been slaving on an afghan for you for MONTHS!!!" My significant other (after muttering "flake"), pointed out that we could just give it to her for her birthday or Christmas -- or better yet, we could save it for someone else's wedding <LOL>.

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The kicker is that the woman I'm crocheting this afghan for, for a wedding present, is having second thoughts. :eek AHHHH!!! Of course, I can't say, "You HAVE to get married--I've been slaving on an afghan for you for MONTHS!!!" My significant other (after muttering "flake"), pointed out that we could just give it to her for her birthday or Christmas -- or better yet, we could save it for someone else's wedding <LOL>.

I know that's not funny, but I'm laughing over here. I'd be so irritated if I were in your position, PBLKNP. :yes

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Hi again,


I've been away for a week or so while chaperoning my son's orchestra on their trip to play at Disneyland. I finished the dreaded #6 square (trinity stitch) before I went. Now that I look back at it, I might redo it later. The first few rows don't seem to match the rest. But for now, it's done and the proper size. I did about 5" on square #7 on the plane to & from California. It's so much easier than the previous one!


Like the others, I've been using a G hook on every square so far. The yarn I'm using is Red Heart worsted weight. Perhaps that's a little thicker than the yarn used for by the designer.


I'm going to try putting up some photos of my completed squares this weekend.


Back to work,


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Well, I finished my first three squares in the Moss color: Single Crochet (#1), Double Crochet (#3), and Front and Back Loop HDC (#5).


When I decided to use 5 colors, I sat down with my pattern book, color list, and a blank piece of paper and mapped out my colors using the suggested layout in the book. Right now, I'm focusing in on those squares in the Moss color (based on my design). No, I did not intentionally :devil skip the Trinity Stitch - I just don't have that color (Ivory) yet but I'm expecting it in the mail next week.


Although my gauge is working out to "approximately" 7" and 7 1/2" with first row of finishing, my Front and Back Loop HDC was clearly a 1/4" narrower than the rest but when I stack the squares, the difference is so minimal that I feel sure that it won't make a big difference in the end.


Here are pictures from my blog - I wasn't sure if I could include them directly in my post. I hope those wonky sides also work themselves out during the blocking and finishing phases. :D



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Kelli, depending on where your pictures are being hosted, you can definitely put the pictures into your posts here. I use blogger so have to make a link to my blog every time I post a pic here, but it doesn't seem to cause that much of a problem. Here's a thread that may help you with picture posting.


Congrats on your squares! :woo That's so cool that you actually planned out where your different colors were going to go.

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Thanks for the pic advise - I can definitely add the pictures directly to the posts in the future with no problems. I'm sure everyone hear is waiting patiently to see MORE squares with wonky sides!


Appreciate the help,



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