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63 Squares Crochet Along


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Welcome to the 63 Squares Crochet-Along!


We are crocheting the afghan from the booklet 63 Easy-To-Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine to Make an Heirloom Afghan (Leisure Arts #555). It is widely available in Walmart, craft stores, online stores, and on eBay.


To join, you must fill out the Join Form. If any of your information ever changes, please fill out the Update Form. This is an ongoing crochet-along; I intend to keep it open as long as there is interest.


When you finish your afghan, please send me a photo for the gallery if you are able.


The button. If you would like a button for your blog or web site, please use this one. If you use it, link it to this page:







Original Message:


Hi, everybody!


When I posted in my blog about doing the 63 Easy-To-Crochet Pattern Stitches Combine to Make an Heirloom Afghan, some of you guys said you might want to do it, too. So. . . I am now hoping to get a crochet along going. I've made an info page for it at yarntomato.com/63squares.


I will tempt you with a pretty button:


Hi Donna and everyone. I and relatively new to Crochetville, but have had this book for a while and would like to join your CAL. The join form is not working and I was not sure if you had closed this CAL or what. If it is closed that is ok I will just work on all my WIP's and wait for the next one. Thanks

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Hi Gram

Welcome ~

You can jump right in, this is an ongoing project. We have new people jumping in all the time. The join form isn't working properly, so you don't have to worry about it .

What colors are you making, do you know yet ?

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Just picked up my yarn for the squares... purples. mauves and aran.....


I can't wait to get started... is there an easy way to put hte button on my sig and on my blog? I am computer illiterate

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Hi Julie, I'm not sure yet. I would like this one to be for me, in which case it will be shades of blue probably joined with ecru and bordered with a light tan to match the border in my bedroom. I think I am going work on the flower ghan that was the pattern of the day at Annie's this week for my mother in law. I really prefer things that work up in small pieces. It is that instant gratification thing you know. LOL

Thanks for the welcome now to get the yarn and get started.

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Oooh, there's a button for this too? Cool.

Now to find the button...


Just picked up my yarn for the squares... purples. mauves and aran.....


I can't wait to get started... is there an easy way to put hte button on my sig and on my blog? I am computer illiterate

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Thanks Julie, plans changed. I like the Flower one so muce I am going to do it in the blues, and do the 63 squares in purples for mil. it is actually going pretty well so far. I started it this morning and have 3 complete and half of another one. 1 question though, do I have to do them in the order in the book?

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Hi Gram

Nope , you don't have to follow them in order of the book, you can skip around all you like ! If there's one that is too hard, you can skip it and come back to it . You can even put the squares in different order when you put it together. It won't matter !

Good luck and keep us posted on your progress .

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Well I have 4 squares done, I love the violet, orchid and white in the simply soft, and My MIL will just love it. I'm also working the MAM CAL so I am trying to do a little of each each day. Wonder when I will get to start the Flowers for MOM pattern for me. LOL

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I'm still working along on my 63 Squares. I've had to slow down due to allergies and changes in my diabetes meds made me very sick - - - like "stoned", falling down into chairs and such :lookout. I'm MUCH better now :sigh with a different med for painful feet and legs (diabetic neuropathy) so hope to get going again. Mainly, I'm able to sleep without pain all night :sleep and that is such a blessing for me :night. TYL. Will talk later.

Crochet Hugs,


(Amarillo is still on FIRE :fire)

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Hi Joyce

I hope your new meds work for you and you are soon feeling much better. I know what you mean about a good night's sleep -- you don't appreciate it til you don't have it .

Take care of yourself and work on your squares a little at a time. You'll get them all done, slow and steady . :)

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Julie, do you know if anyone had problems with square #8 the Chevron Relief Stitch? I got the first half of it done fine with no problems, but I have frogged the second half of it 3 times now. I just wondered if it is me not reading or counting correctly, or if there is something wrong with the instructions.



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I had trouble with #8 as well Gram, I'm a beginner so most of the stitches where new to me. My worst was #58 I belive, (hateful, hateful!) I don't think I ever got the Chevron stitch to look exactly like it does in the book but I got close.




Julie, do you know if anyone had problems with square #8 the Chevron Relief Stitch? I got the first half of it done fine with no problems, but I have frogged the second half of it 3 times now. I just wondered if it is me not reading or counting correctly, or if there is something wrong with the instructions.



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I had trouble with #8 as well Gram, I'm a beginner so most of the stitches where new to me. My worst was #58 I belive, (hateful, hateful!) I don't think I ever got the Chevron stitch to look exactly like it does in the book but I got close.

Thanks Ilene, the directions for rows 14 through 20 just don't make sense to me, but I am going to try it one more time today at lunch and see what happens.

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Good morning ,Gram ( and everyone else )

Yes, the Chevron WAS one of the most difficult squares . a lot of ladies had trouble with that one, so you are not alone . The directions weren't wrong, it just took a lot of trial and error to get it right, and your square will probably turn out looking like it LEANS to one side ---- that's how mine looked anyhow .

Once you sew it into place in the afgahn, it'll straighten itself out a little more !

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Good morning ,Gram ( and everyone else )

Yes, the Chevron WAS one of the most difficult squares . a lot of ladies had trouble with that one, so you are not alone . The directions weren't wrong, it just took a lot of trial and error to get it right, and your square will probably turn out looking like it LEANS to one side ---- that's how mine looked anyhow .

Once you sew it into place in the afgahn, it'll straighten itself out a little more !

thanks Julie, I am going to work it up exactly as the instructions say at lunch today, and not worry about it. as long as the counts are right and the gauge is right it will be ok. RIGHT??? I better figure it out soon, this one is for my mil and my mother saw it last night and I think she wants one now.

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Hi, all! still here, and working (slowly) on my squares (got sidetracked on a UFO and the crochet-a-quilt CAL). Julie thinks I should take them with me to Turkey - waaaay too hot. so, I guess I just have to finish before May 30th. That gives me a goal!

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Uh Oh Gram

Sounds like you have 2 of these to make now ! Better get on the stick ! :lol

Well I finished that @@#$** # 8 square and did 3 more last night so I have 8 done in 3 days. I'll get there. I like this kind of project cause I am all about instant gratification and carrying small projects.

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