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63 Squares Crochet Along


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I'm still stuck at 30, and so desperately have to finish another afghan by the end of this month that I probably won't get anymore done on this one for a while. And I'm not enjoying the other one, either, so you can imagine how slowly it is going. <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/banghead.gif" />

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I have 10 done with the 11th sitting 1/3 done somewhere in my "crochet corner". Poor little square, it really needs to be finished. :(

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Well, I have about 35 done, but some are not patterns from the book. I have replaced the ones I didn't like (or couldn't get to work for me) with other 7" patterns.


Still have alot to go though............

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I have not been doing this project very long, but I have managed to complete 5 squares! I am excited about this. My mother is on her 9th square already. She and I are doing this together, but she has more time to work on it right now than I do.


I have thoroughly enjoyed each square, but I will say that the CHEVRON RELIEF STITCH was my least favorite thus far <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/mad.gif" />. It was aggravating and wouldn't come out to gauge for me. I am doing 8 inch squares instead of 7 inch. I figure as long as each of my squares are the same size....8 inches.....that I am okay. I crochet very tightly, as a rule, so I am using a hook one size bigger than everyone else normally would.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've had a disappointing month so far on this project. I am suffering considerable wrist and hand pain so crocheting has been difficult. I think it's a combo of blog reading, Spider Solitare (which I have now given up) and weather. Let's not mention all my other projects that are also getting some work. ;) I'm not in a rush to complete this project, although my goal is end of January. This is good as knitting season is approaching.


Take care!


My Crochet Blog

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24 for me so far, so I'm a little over 1/3 the way there.


I seem to be able to do about 3 per month, with everything else I've got going on. I will get this project finished eventually! :)

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Guest hooky emmy

I'd love :)h to join this crochet-a-long! I'm already excited, though I know I'll need to take a few breaks to make Christmas gifts... :-P lol, but I think we all will. I love this idea!

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Glad you're joining us, Emily! :woohoo I've added you to the list. Breaks? :sweat Whew, I don't want to tell you how long it's been since I made a square. :blush I'd better get to work! :P

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You'll get it done, Rebecca! You already have 13 done! :cheer As the leader of this CAL, I think I'd better get some more of my squares done to encourage others! :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
Encourage us, Donna!
Okay, Tiff, here you go! :D! I completed eight squares over Labor Day weekend! :woohoo I'm so excited! I can't believe I got that much done in just four days. :cloud9 Photos of all eight of them are on my blog. I'm takin' this afghan on! :box
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:woohoo for you!!


this is what i did for my 63 sq: i went through the book and checked off the ones i have completed and then started the whipstitching of my rows of the ones that are complete.

now i know where i am on this and can have this be my 'car time' project!


not nearly as much as 8 new squares, but i'm all excited, just the same :P

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Awesome, Donna! :cheer2 :yay :cheer2 :yay


Okay, so maybe I'll start on my squares soon. :) I have a stash of the Ranch Red for the squares that's threatening to mutiny and become a shawl like Julie's, so I'd better get moving!! :kick

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