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Waiting for yarn and going crazy....

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So I've realized now that I'm a total addict. I finished up my last project about a week ago and didn't have another one in the wings (hey, it was only my second project, I didn't know how it would feel to not have one to pick up right away...)


After I finished, I spent days deciding on a pattern, then days choosing yarns....


I even drove 1/2 hour to a LYS to try and get yarn for the Seraphina shawl I want to do, but I learned the valuable lesson of why you shouldn't take a 2yo to a yarn store :lol . I ended up having to leave with no yarn :(


So I ordered yarn this weekend and I'm going absolutely batty while I wait for it.


Will always have another project READY!!!

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I know what you mean. Only, I have a bunch of yarn, but no idea what I should do with it just yet! :lol


The most rediculous part is that I have a ton of yarn too, but nothing suitable for the projects I chose.


Oh no...it just occured to me.....should I spend this time doing housework???????

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:eek No!! Not housework! That's an evil, evil thought. :lol

I used to be like that. I used to be one of those people who could go months without a hook in hand. I wonder where that person got to? Probably hiding out in the library again, burrying her nose in books (my other addiction it seems...).

If you are really fealing withdrawl symptoms, you could always just 'practice' some stitch patterns with the 'other' yarn you have... I've got half-finished 'swatches' all over the place now....

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i too have a 2 yr old, she tries to climb in the baskets of yarn and fiber.:lol:blush so yeah.....i dont take my 2 yr old in either! could you go to walmart or a craft meglomart and buy some i-dont-really-care- yarn? then youd at least have something to "play" with!! :hook

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so funny i have way more yarn than i have ideas. but my real problem is i have so many patterns and ideas in my head i want to make i just dont know where to begin so i half make a bunch of things and totally forget where i am!

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Waaaah!! I just got an email saying that the yarn I ordered is backordered :( Poo.


These are the times that I find something that will fit the yarn I already have. Sometimes not so easy! Try to make a gift for someone with what you have. Christmas really isn't that far away!:devil

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house work - banish the thought!!!


right now Michaels has RH for $1.67/skein. go pick out your fav color and play with your yarn.


added bonus - it'll be your first addition to your stash!!! YAY!!!

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