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Round Ripple Question

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With all of the round ripples being shown, when DH told me that he wanted me to make him an afghan, I decided to make him a round ripple just because the ones I've seen here have been SO PRETTY, and here was the perfect excuse for me to make one too!


I found a few patterns, they all seemed to be the same, so off I went making my round ripple. I'm also using it as a stash-busting experience, because when I asked him what color he wanted, much to the chagrin of the yarn-buyer in me, he said "I want a rainbow one! I want as many colors in it as you can find!" and he then proceeded to go into my stash and pull out small balls of colors that he wanted in it, leaving me with no choice but to use what I already have in my stash. Drat it anyway, I thought I was going to get to buy a BUNCH of new yarn! :lol


Anyway, I started it, and the count didn't look right. So I frogged it and started it again. And frogged it again. The problem seemed to be that in order to get the correct number of stitches up and down each side of the cluster's done in the ch 2 spaces, one of the stitches on one side had to be done in that laaaaaast little stitch either immediately before or immediately after the cluster, and I wasn't sure whether that was correct or not. But it seemed to make the stitch count work, so I chose to go into the little stitch immediately following the cluster and everything was going along swimmingly, until it dawned on me as I hit about the 11th row that, HEY, WAITAMINUTE, THIS THING IS GETTING FRILLY-LOOKING!!! :eek


The round ripples that I have seen pictured appear to lie flat, but not this one. It's not just rippled in the pattern, it also has a wavy appearance of up-and-down valleys going around the afghan! My question is, is this normal? Does everyone end up with this wavy appearance, and will it straighten out as I go, or will it get worse? :think In any case, I'm not frogging it again at this point, because I don't have any more of the yarn that I used as my center point (it's a Mexicana variegated that I had about an ounce of), and I'm afraid that if I frog it and do it again, I won't get to the same point that I did and my center section of all the colors won't be as large. But at least I'll know for future round ripples what I have done wrong, and how to correct it! Thanks for any help y'all can offer. I'm sorry I can't post any pics right at the moment because I don't know where the cord for my camera is right off hand to upload photos.



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As your RR grows, you are only supposed to increase on a certain number of rows. I think it is every 4th row but i could be wrong.


Some with more (like any) experience with RR;s can likely tell you the number and when you start your limited increases

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As your RR grows, you are only supposed to increase on a certain number of rows. I think it is every 4th row but i could be wrong.


Some with more (like any) experience with RR;s can likely tell you the number and when you start your limited increases


Oh schnikies!! :eek None of the patterns I have said that! They all just went up to about row 11 (as if that's large enough to make anything of) and then said to remember to increase accordingly with each new row. I just know I'm going to end up with a huge... frilly... colorful... round... THING!! DH will pretend to love it anyway, but I really want it to look good! I'm dying to work on it some more, but I think I'm going to hold off until someone who knows what to expect from these round wonders lets me know where I should be NOT increasing. Thanks, Darski!



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I have made a couple of round ripples...used the same pattern for both...I think I got it off here...but any way I work up to round 7 with double increases and from that point row 8 would have a dc chain 2 or 3 whichever you are doing, dc in each point....then the next 2 rounds have the 2dc, chain 2 2 dc, the next round dc ch2 dc the next 2 rounds 2 dc ch2 2dc and so on till you get it as big as you want. I did both of mine this way and have had no problems getting them to lay flat....I hope I explained it properly.....good luck!:hook

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I have made a couple of round ripples...used the same pattern for both...I think I got it off here...but any way I work up to round 7 with double increases and from that point row 8 would have a dc chain 2 or 3 whichever you are doing, dc in each point....then the next 2 rounds have the 2dc, chain 2 2 dc, the next round dc ch2 dc the next 2 rounds 2 dc ch2 2dc and so on till you get it as big as you want. I did both of mine this way and have had no problems getting them to lay flat....I hope I explained it properly.....good luck!:hook


You did! I understood it perfectly, and what's even better is that I thought about doing this myself, but decided to wait until someone experienced with round ripples posted the correct thing to do. So I'm really happy that I was able to figure it out on my own, that gives me a bit more confidence in trying different things when they're not in the actual instructions, kind of boosting my self confidence to trust my instincts. Thanks so much for your help!



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What amberslipstitch said is right. There is a RR CAL going on and there are lots of great tips in there. Mine buckles a little in the middle, but I think that was just me. Also, after washing it flattened out a bit as all the stitches evened themeselves out a bit.

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:cheer There is a recipe for doing Round Ripple and Star Afghan patterns.


The less points the more stitches you need to do into the points. That is why there are 3DC, CH2, 3DC in the points on every row on a 5 or 6 pointer and 2DC, Ch2, 2DC in the points on every row on the 9 or 10 pointer.

The 10 pointer may need a row every now and then with no increase.

The 12 point ripple has 2 rows with 2DC, CH2, 2DC and one row of 1DC, CH2, 1DC.

This happens after the centres which all need to be a little different too.

Hope this helps to get you all going around in circles but staying on the flat.

Have fun.


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