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My pattern looks like yours....



I have a question about designing.


I'm very VERY new to this and my question is this.....If I'm desinging something on my own, from scratch, like a pair of slippers (any size) and they end up looking someone else's (how many different looks can you really get?) is it still my design? Can someone accuse me of stealing their pattern from them even if they look similar?


Please help.



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5 answers to this question

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First off, this kind of question usually winds up with all kinds of responses, then the admins lock it because it goes round and round in a vicious circle of people offering "opinion" and no one wants to stretch their neck out without being the proper authority on copyright.


But the general consensus usually is:


1. Take dated (careful) notes and document your pattern writing process, for verification if you ever are questioned about it.


2. Consult a copyright attorney if you truly want to publish it.

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Lisa, as long as you [generic you: applicable to anyone designing a pattern] really sat down from scratch and made up your own pattern, there shouldn't be a problem at all.


A basic slipper shape concept cannot be copyrighted. If somebody came up with a brand-new innovative slipper design, they could conceivably PATENT it, but that's different from copyright. And there are only so many different ways you could do a basic slipper, so there probably are quite a few patterns that are very similar, but each has its own copyright protection so nobody can take that exact set of wording and use it as their own.


Just like there are many different books and magazines out there, each with their own version of patterns to make a basic granny square, beanie hat, or what have you. :)

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