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I don't know what to make of this...

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I was taking a break from reorganizing my craft room and was surfing around Ebay (which I do in my spare moments). I randomly pick a topic and surf. Today I was browsing thru 'crochet toys' as someone here at the 'Ville had requested a pattern for a deer. Well, in my surfing, I came upon this item and was flabbergasted. It sure looks like my Tooth Fairy Pillow except for some changes to the face & hair. The seller claims it is an improved version of her own original pattern. I have not contacted the seller as I really don't know what to make of it. What do you think I should do? Could she possibly have come up with a pattern that looks like mine?? Even the same dip on the side is there, except her legs are a little longer.


Would it be wrong for me to buy the pattern & compare them? Possibly see when she wrote the pattern & the copyright on it?

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Honestly, I think they're different enough that a copyright infringement would be difficult. A tooth pillow for a toothfairy pillow isn't really that hard to come up with. My mom still has the one my grandmother made for me 30 years ago and except for the face it looks just like the one on ebay.


She probably saw one and decided to make her own.

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The one on eBay has a more sculpting to it, and the embellishments are pretty different. I don't think slapping a different embellishment on an established pattern makes it a new pattern, but I do think that they're different enough that she probably didn't take it from you.


I like yours better.


~ Joy

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I agree with both Rose Red and Sonnets and Stitches. I would guess that there are more similar patterns out there. A toothfairy pillow is a common item. My husband still has the one his parents used when he was a child.


Even if she did take your pattern, what would you do about it? You could confront her and she'd deny it. Don't loose time and energy worrying about it.

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It's a pillow made in the shape of a tooth. The only thing I see that she may have gotten inspiration from another pattern is the little pocket in the back. But others may have done that as well.


I agree... not worth pursuing.



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Thanx everyone for your input. I agree it's not worth pursuing. Plus, my pattern is free, so it's not like she's taking money from me. And the subtle differences are enough. It just shocked me at first. Now I don't care. I hope she makes some money from her auction.

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Sounds like you have a good attitude about this Cheryl! But in the future, if you do have a pattern that you want to sell, it is very importatnt to get it copywrited so as to have proof of any suspected infringement. Unfortunately it is way too easy for experienced crocheters to re- vamp a pattern simply by looking at it, while I may do that for a personal item I plan on keeping.....many people will use the opportunity to make money. Even placing your name on top of the pattern as I have seen several women here do is no protection......I could easily buy your pattern, fudge the pattern by changing this or that and then take a new picture of my "new" pattern. Makes you wish you never released the pattern at all. It is very sad as it hurts so many others who would love to have access to the free patterns.:no

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