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Passing on the hook

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As you all know, today was mother's day. My mom decided to invite her whole family over. Four of her six siblings came and brought their kids. At one point, I was bored so I took a scarf I was working on out to the patio and started to fiddle with it. Then my cousin Natalie (age 8) came over and asked me what I was doing. I told her and she asked if I would teach her how. She came down to my room, picked out some yarn and I gave her a free hook (H, I think). After about 15 minutes, she was turning out a row of chain stitches. I told her that I'd keep it for her and teach her another stitch the next time I saw her. I think it's so cool to pass on the crochet love.


Anyone else have any cool stories like this?

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I have a story. My granddaughter (she turned 11 in Dec) was crocheting some squares and her boy cousins wanted to learn so both my DGD and her mom sat down with a 10 old boy and a 5 year old boy and taught them to chain and then taught them a sc so they are now making their own items. They took the hooks and yarn home with them,

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That's awesome! One of my nephews is in a knitting club at school. Told his mom he wanted to learn so he'd be well rounded. Smart kid.:yes:manyheart

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My 8 year old daughter has been chaining for a year or two, and I finally succeeded in teaching her single crochet. It was frustrating her, though, and she wanted to quit, but then a guy came to my local crochet group and taught her a simple Tunisian stitch. She loves it! Since then her interest has been renewed and she picked up double crochet in no time flat. She also wanted to learn knitting so we've started on that with library books and internet videos. :) (Speaking of the dreaded "k" word, are there any good knitting forums out there like Crochetville?)

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I have been teaching both my girls a new stich a month, they are 13 & 12 & in military school. They are havin' so much fun w/ it & showing the other girls in there dorm the new stich I teach them each month.

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Patty, where is it? I couldn't find it in the list of different areas here...maybe I just am not looking in the right place.


Edit: Never mind, I found it. Thanks for the heads'-up! :)

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I've just begun teaching myself over the last month or 2 and both my dd's wanted to learn too. My soon to be 12 year old is making granny squares with me. She got frustrated with rows but the rounds in the square she was able to pick up. She is going to make squares for a charity that makes afgans for foster kids with me. She usually looses interest in things pretty quick but she says crocheting is "relaxing" ;) My 8 year old can do a chain, and says she wants to "make something" but also doesn't want to learn the new stitches - she just wants to know them! :-)

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While at my daughter's in-laws a young woman became interested in my crochet. We worked for a bit so she could chain. She subsequently bought some "how-to" books and has been slowly teaching herself to crochet. Her grandmother crochets quite well, apparently, so she should have plenty of help.


For an excellent knitting forum, Kiirs, see http://www.knittersreview.com/forum/. I hope you enjoy it!

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