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Having a plastic ball!

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RecycleCindy got me inspired, so I collected all the unwanted plastic grocery bags (Wal-mart, Kroger, Target, Taco Bell, and Hobby Lobby all represented) from our apartment, my sister's apartment, and my parents' house! I've now made and wound two LARGE balls :yarn of the plastic "yarn" strips to start making some of the eco-bag designs that she has on her blog.


I don't know WHY it was so much fun, but I sat for 2.5 hours yesterday looping the plastic strips together, and then about another hour today. I got the giggles both times! A little housework absolutely must happen today, but the moment that nonsense can be abandoned, I'm making myself a bag.


This would be a great project to enlist the help of children with. It's not hard at all to make the plastic balls.


Giddy ~ Joy

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I love the way you describe turning plastic bags into balls! Just reading your posts, I can see you teaching English. Every great teacher has a passion for their subject and it's obvious that you love English.

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Holy cow, this stuff is addictive.


I've just cleared out my office's kitchen of all the plastic bags there. I'm taking these home to add to my plarn ball ("plastic yarn").


Have I made anything yet? Nope! Just love making the plarn!


Skip to my lou ~ Joy

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If it's corny that I keep "responding" to my own post, then butter me up and slap me on the grill. I'm just so excited about this project!


I now have two plarn balls which are bigger than my head, and enough bags for a third one of the same size! I'm sitting at my office desk (shhhh!) and I've almost finished the bottom of one of the bags on RecycleCindy's blog ( http://www.myrecycledbags.com ) Whee!


Who else can I get to give me their plastic shopping bags?


Plarn, plarn, plarn. ~ Joy

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I love making the plastic bag yarn too. Several people have told me that putting the strips together is very therapeutic and relaxing. Lately I started using the paper cutter at work to cut the bags to speed up the process. My husband just shakes his head in disbelief when he sees me cutting and tying the bags. But I love doing it!! :manyheart

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Ah YES!:yes You have caught the plastic bag bug! I love working with it too....though not everyone does:think ! Now you will NEVER :no look at a plastic bag the same way again.....and you will begin to scout out recycling centers and asking neighbors or friends to save their bags for you......wait until you start to get choosey over what colors you want to use and begin searching :sherfor three more bags of a certain elusive color! Have fun!:hook

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