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Tunisian or SC for graph afghan?

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So, I am going to be making the firefighter's graph afghan that someone else recently posted.


And I'm wondering if I should do it in sc or if I should do it in afghan stitch?


What are the pro's and con's of each? I know basic tunisian (have a hook with the knob at the end) but have never changed colors before. I'm not worried about learning something new... How do I make an afghan that WIDE (200 something stitches) on this 12" long hook?


Those of you who know how to do both - WHICH method would you choose?

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I haven't tackled a tunisian that wide yet, Krystal, but you might need a hook with a cable rather than just one of the straight long hooks.


I'd love to see your work when you get it done.. or even partway done. :)

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i prefer the afghan/tunisian method over single crochet but thats just me i had a harder time doing them in single crochet for afghan stitch i use a large hook like an N and it comes out lighter weight

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I can't really help on choosing which one. But I can tell you how to get such a large project done with Tunisian. While back someone asked something similar, Here is the link to the answer, the post at the top of the page. http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?p=414902#post414902


And the link to the entire thread is...



I hope that helps.

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Hi Krystal:


I'm going to email you now but in case it don;t go thru and you read this then you email me privately i can email you great color change info.

Let me tell you I've not posted my photo link here to the very first graph pattern i made but here is the link:



there you will see my first ghan i did it in sc but now i'm just hooked on the tunisian way and the color change i use is just perfect. no mistakes there.

I highly recommend the tunisian way to do the graph really..


You will need a cable afghan hook for that many stitches and if you have a JoAnns near that is where i would tell you to get it.. I myself am using a J hook for me its good but you might need a larger hook depending on how tight you crochet thats up to you..


I've begun one of the Cat in the Window and just last night i did 6 rows with color change and all..

So good luck email me

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I have used the Sc method in all my afghans. I prefer it to the tunisian stitch. It is a matter of preference and what you are more comfortable with.:hook

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I have made a "few" of the graphed afghans. LOL

I use SC...with the firefighter one, I actually did each of the middle part in individual squares and then joined them together. then I did the outside and joined that as well.

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I think I am going to do tunisian - this is a great way for me to work at it. I am one of those people who likes to DIVE RIGHT IN with a hard project when working with a new technique (color changes will keep it interesting!)


I am leery as well about the cable hooks, so I will likely use darncat's method - sounds just like knitting with many stitches, and I can do that.


I like the idea of the afghan being in all one piece, and I don't like the idea of flipping the work with regular sc and all of those color bobs. (I plan on using clothespins.)


I can't wait to see that email, moomooo - I emailed you back! :D

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I tried to sc a ghan nope wasn't going to happen so I learned the tunsian stitch and I liked it better but, it curls up on you but it will flatten out when you block it.

Oh ya, I bought the hook that has two hooks connected by a cable and that will make a HUGE blanket. I think I paid like $8.00 for it.

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Are you changing the yarn colors in the afghan or embroidering on top of it? If you are changing colors in the afghan itself, sc would be the way to go. If you are embroidering on top of a finished afghan, tunisian (aka afghan stitch) would be your best bet. They sell afghan hooks with cables attached at the end so it can hold a lot of stitches. Good luck with your afghan!

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