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Chemo caps needed for 15yo boy

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Some of you may have heard of AJ Brislin. He has made many crochet hooks and other things for crafters across the country. He has sold them on Ebay and done custom hooks as well. I've ordered about a dozen myself and have been very pleased with them. He's also just a really nice guy. He's contributed so much to the crochet community, I thought you all might be interested in helping his son.


His son, RJ, was just diagnosed with Stage 3-4 T-cell lymphoma and underwent his first chemotherapy last week.


I would love for RJ to receive chemo caps to help ease things when his hair eventually falls out. If anyone is interested in sending him a cap, please e-mail me for the address. His dad says he wears only black t-shirts and he enjoys rock and roll bands such as Led Zeplin, AC/DC, Pink Floyd, Metallica and the like. Yes, he is really 15yo. :-)


I am not sure what sort of hats a teenage boy would like but am open to your suggestions. Mine doesn't wear anything but baseball caps. But I think it would be nice for RJ to have a variety of soft, warm hats to wear.


I can only imagine what it is like to watch your child go through this.


You can e-mail me at crochet.sandie@gmail.com .




Sandie Petit


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I'm sending this in tomorrow's mail.

Hope he likes it, and hoping that his round of chemo goes easy on him and this can be just another winter cap.




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I'm sending this in tomorrow's mail.

Hope he likes it, and hoping that his round of chemo goes easy on him and this can be just another winter cap.


I'm sure he will love it! Thank you so much.


I just wrote his dad to expect packages.



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I mailed one off today. if he doesnt like it maybe they can donate some to the hospital for other kids.


Thank you so much, Charlene. I will mention that. I'm sure he will love the hats, but I know there must also be other young people at the children's hospital who are undergoing these same treatments. So that is a good idea.

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Tracy - I love the hat you made!!


And Sandie, yes, by all means, if he doesn't like it or gets more hats than he wants to keep, he should feel free to give mine to another kid there.

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Tracy - I love the hat you made!!


And Sandie, yes, by all means, if he doesn't like it or gets more hats than he wants to keep, he should feel free to give mine to another kid there.


You all are wonderful. I will pass on the message. I know this family will appreciate each and every hat that is received. What a blessing you all are!


Thanks so much.

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Here are two more that I whipped up last night. The 3 total are all packaged up and ready to go into the mail.

These pics are kind of dark.


Can't really see these well, but I am sure they are wonderful! Thanks so much. I appreciate everyone's help in showing RJ people care about his situation.

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Just wanted to drop in and let you all know that RJ has received two hats, a tan one from Charlene and a black one from Delia. Both fit him perfectly! His dad said he stashed them "with his good stuff" so he must have liked them.


Delia included a short note with a Led Zeppelin quote that his dad said lit RJ's face up!


He is doing well so far with the chemo. He has five more weeks of intensive chemo before he gets to go home for a bit. They are staying at the Ronald MacDonald House since the hospital is so far from their home.


Thanks so much to you all for your efforts to help this 15yo boy get through a difficult time in his life.


Prayers are also appreciated that things continue to go well and that treatments are successful.

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I had an e-mail this morning from AJ and he said they have a day off - no doctor visits. They are at the Ronald MacDonald house, just enjoying being with their son. RJ had developed a rash, but it is being treated and doing well.


He did tell me about another young man also in the hospital receiving treatment. His parents are army and currently deployed. His dad was able to visit yesterday but had to return to the base. So sad for a youngster to have to go through this basically alone. I don't know any details about him, but please keep him in your prayers as he will need an extra measure of strength.



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i sent out my hats this am, i hope he likes them. (clickyclicky)


Oh, those are really nice! Thanks so much. I finished one myself last night, but won't be able to mail until tomorrow. Mine is a little small, I find. What patterns did y'all use for your hats? I know AJ said Charlene and Delia's hats fit fine, so perhaps I should gauge by those.

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I forgot to add that the news is good regarding RJ's condition. RJ had a treatment on Friday and a new chest X-ray showed significant improvement. His dad said it was almost clear. He has a PET scan scheduled for Friday and is hoping the other involved areas will have as good a result. The doctor was overwhelmed.

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That's great news!

Does he (and his friend) still need hats? I can probablly send two.


Absolutely! RJ has received two hats, though I believe more are coming. In my original request I didn't know about Kaleb so he has received no hats. If you'd like to make hats for Kaleb, I know RJ's dad would be happy to deliver them. Kaleb's parents are deployed military so they can't be with him all the time. I'm sure he would appreciate knowing that others are thinking of him. If you notice in the photos, he has a wonderful attitude and is making the best of a bad situation.


Thanks for the offer.


P.S. You can e-mail me at crochet.sandie@gmail.com for the address if you decide to send hats.

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