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Leftys DO Have An Advantage in Crochet!

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I am a lefty learning to crochet right handed. I take a class where you can either cross-stitch, crochet, needlepoint or knit. I know how to cross-stitch and I am learning crochet. Anyway today I was doing my single crochet and I have not done that many rows, maybe 4-6 rows total of SC (I am just learning it). My teacher told me that my stitches look really good, most of them are even. Leftys have an advantage since everyone holds the yarn in thier left hand, but since leftys use thier left hand like everyone else for holding the yarn and yarn tension then leftys have a lot of control with yarn tension (thier left hand is most likey thieir dominant hand). I have not been crocheting that long. I thought that would be cool to share for all of those left handed crocheters.





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I wouldn't know if there's an advantage to being left-handed or not because I'm a lefty crocheting left-handed. :hook (<---please note which "hand" this smiley is holding the hook :lol )


I'm learning to knit and I find myself using the English method because I'm used to having the yarn in my right hand, which makes sense 'cause my right hand holds the yarn while crocheting. Gotta work on my tension though! :eek

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I have good tension and almost perfectly even stitches due to learning to knit first. My right hand had to be very deft and manipulating the yarn. I suggest to all ppl that only do one or the other (knit or crochet) to learn the one they dont do, and it will improve their skill in the other. It worked for me! :D

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Wow, I hadn't even thought of trying to learn to crochet holding my hook in my right hand. I'd be afraid of stabbing myself with it (I hold my yarn in my right hand).

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Wow, I hadn't even thought of trying to learn to crochet holding my hook in my right hand. I'd be afraid of stabbing myself with it (I hold my yarn in my right hand).


Me too! I'm relieved to hear you say that, renegade - I was wondering for a moment if I was supposed to hold my hook and my yarn in my left hand :lol ...Now that would be a strange way to crochet!

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I was wondering that as well! I'm left-handed and have always held the yarn in my right yarn.

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i hold my yarn in my left hand and my hook in my right hand. i have done some cross-stitching where you have to fiddle with the thread a lot so maybe that helps also.





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