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I have missed you all....

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I have missed you all and have had a bit of a break from things as I did in fact lose my Dad to cancer last month, we had his Memorial 2 weeks back and it went well. Just left me physically and emotionally drained - I figured out that much like a wedding, that much of what goes into planning both a funeral is for the "other folks" not for the couple or person's (family).


My dear ol dad had it planned everything out per detail - just love him - he even had drawn out his bulletin! I step away now after all is said and done knowing that I did everything and then some to make things happen the way he would have wanted down to the very last detail...it is a good feeling to know that I loved, honored and respected him thru his life and also in his death.


Now for my "bright spot" that has to do with crocheting!:) :) :)

I now have in my collection 2 lovely Jimbo crochet hooks - and am keeping myself busy with them. They are wonderful to use - and of course we all know from here at the 'Ville how gifted and caring Jim is - he makes the planet a better place that is for certain!:clap

And on top of that ---- he ---- umm ---- well made me a wee bit famous --- :blush *blushing*:blush ---- as he wanted to see the hooks on my "crick" the Little River that runs on my backland here in Canterbury CT. ;) It flows into a pond that has geese, blue heron, bass, trout and all sorts of critters - my personal favorite are the sun turtles that like to share a log now and then.

Anyways - I did sent him a few pics so he knew the Deadman's Crick Hook made it safe and sound to be used along the Little River and he put it on his blog - so you can check it out too! :yay (Although I think in that pic you will have to look close to see the nice hook). I have neuropathy in my fingers on each hand and the size of Jim's hooks and the "grip" really helps me control my work better too - with both the straight hook and the egg shaped that holds true.



Again Jim you have made my day :day and I am so grateful for your caring and kind spirit!


Our leaves will be coming out close to the weekend and that will make's the river alive with the beautiful shades of yellows and greens!

Things are looking up on this side of the river and I thank you all for your caring thoughts and prayers during this time...


Much Love and Many Blessings be Yours


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Aw shucks.

But you guys really should go to the blog and check out Shuttle's crochet spot by her river. Amazing! I'm hoping she'll send another shot when the trees leaf out. Its beautiful now, and will be another knock out picture when everything's green.

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I am happy for you that you are content with how you dealt with the death of your father. it is wonderful to hear stories of love and respect in families.


Loved your picture too! :hug


Oh and :welcome back! :ghug



This got posted in the other version of this message so I moved it here... sorry bout that. didn't know there were two threads :sigh

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