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Hooks on Airplane..

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I saw a few posts on taking crochet hooks etc on an airplane and found all the recommendations very helpful. Thought I would share my recent experience.


I flew from Ft. Lauderdale to Maryland (BWI) last Thursday and returned yesterday. I had absolutely not problems with any of my crochet supplies, even the 14" wooden afghan hook:hook. As someone mentioned, I made sure to have my work in progress just in case. Also had the small pointed scissors and that too was ok.


We flew Air Tran and as suggested I printed the goverment rules plus Air Trans and never needed either.


Nice to see we can enjoy our craft while traveling.:clap

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Yes, the rules seem rather arbitrary, don't they? It has been years since I've flown but while I would think a 14" wooden hook might be hard to impale someone with, the tiny steel ones could be lethal. What are regulations on these small, potentially deadly hooks?

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It was crazy, we flew to Hawaii the day the British stopped the other planned air attack, and while we couldn't buy any drinks or other liquids in the airports, I was able to carry my K-size plastic crochet hook onto flights without anyone questioning me, even through inspections.

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I wasn't working on a thread project but was wondering about those hooks. Next time,if I am working with thread, I will take a hook that has no sentimental value and a stamped self-addressed envelope, just in case.


Looks like the security holds to the government list which indicates knitting and crocheting supplies with no exclusions. It may also be at the discretion of the screener.


Isn't it sad we have to think of all that stuff?




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Last week, I flew to England from KS (via Chicago) and to Scandanavia from England - and back - and not one mention of my knitting needles or crochet hooks (even the deadly steel one).

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We flew Air Tran last month and they were wonderful. It was mine and my dd first time flying and they made it very enjoyable. They even let her look in the cockpit before we took off. She was amazed. (she's 7 and loves any kind of transportation stuff). It's amazing what you can and can not take on planes these days.

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I haven't had problems myself. I flew with my plastic size K crochet hook and my WIP in January. However, from what I have heard, in general with the TSA regulations, they can vary greatly in their interpretation from airport to airport.


I remember before the recent increases in security (this was about 2 or 3 years ago), when you could actually bring liquids with you through security in most airports, my aunt was made to dump out her coffee when passing through security. As this was around 6 am, she was not a happy passenger :no. On the same day, I was flying out of an airport in a nearby city and was able not only to bring my coffee through, but also a needle for the cross stitch project that I was working on on the plane. You can imagine my aunt's reaction when she learned of everything I brought with me on the plane :lol. Anyhow, I guess my point is that from my experience, airport security is not as uniform as one might think.

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In a flight home from Las Vegas last year, I was able to carry my Diet Coke in a cup right through security. But... that was before they had the restrictions on liquids. I'm sure that wouldn't be allowed now. I haven't flown since those new restrictions, but I know you can't bring anything more than 3 oz. of liquid in a carry on. And if the container says 4 oz. even if it's half gone, they still won't let it on. The contact lens solution I use only comes in 4 oz. containers... so not sure what I'd do?? I wish different companies would start selling small sample sizes (3 oz. or less).



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Great news! :clap I'm glad your trip with your crochet supplies went smoothly. It's also encouraging to hear this, as I may have to fly from MS to MN to visit in-laws some time in the near future, and would like to take my work with me!

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I generally fly at least once a year to go see my Mother in Texas. I have had siccors taken away, but was able to use a lighter to cut the thread. I bought one of those necklace's cutter things after that. I have never had anyone say something about crochet hooks. More so I get the stewardress asking what I am making and how nice something is. Granted it has been since April of last year I flew. Not going till August this year.

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