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Gourmet Crochet-Banner adds :)

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I just recently purchase a pattern from GC. And wow! I love it... I ordered the Lisette Sweater Shawl. Carolyn does an wonderful job putting these pattern books together. I can't wait to get a chance to get started on this one. I also plan to go back and purchase a few others. :)

Thanks Amy and Donna for including these banners. I never would have found GC if I hadn't seen the banner.

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I actually purchased the chocolate cake patterns. It tickles me to death to think of having this wonderful crocheted cake in the middle of my table. I can not wait to get yarn and start working on them. The patterns look so much fun!

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I ordered and received the chocolate cake pattern too! It looks so yummy on the banner ad that I had to buy it! I plan to make it and put in under a glass dome cake platter and take it to work! I want to see all of those hungry chocoholic coworkers go nuts when they find it isn't REAL chocolate cake!!

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I purchased the Gourmet Crochet pattern book a couple of weeks ago and I have made several things from it already! They really DO look like real baked goodies when they're done! I love them! :manyheart


I can't find the cord for my camera to upload the photos onto my computer, otherwise I would post them here for everyone to see. I wish I could remember where it is. :think


The Chocolate Decadence cake is just SO pretty when it's finished, it would look absolutely beautiful sitting under a glass dome on a cake stand in my breakfront, if I had a glass domed cakestand OR a breakfront. :lol



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