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Plastic Bag CAL

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No, just the 1 inch. It didn't occur to me to make the plarn "for" the doormat. I was just making plarn when I said to myself, "Hmm, how about a doormat?"


Are you finding that a wider cut make a difference?


~ Joy

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Well, yes, I was thinking a wider yarn and a larger hook (I'm using a US K - 6.5 mm) might make a higher mat.


Here's my progress on my tote. I don't have the handles the width I want them yet, but probably later tonight.




Size is 11 x 9 inches (base) and 13 inches tall.


No, just the 1 inch. It didn't occur to me to make the plarn "for" the doormat. I was just making plarn when I said to myself, "Hmm, how about a doormat?"


Are you finding that a wider cut make a difference?


~ Joy

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Thanks for the feedback.


OMG! We had to have our kitchen sink faucet replaced yesterday. Well, cleaning out under the sink so we could get started, I found some pink and some yellow plastic bags meant for putting donation into for pickup. I hate to think how long they've been under there!


I can't wait to cut them up and either put a flower (pink and yellow, of course) on my bag or add something to the next bag.


This is so much fun. My wife can't wait for me to finish the tote so she can show it off to friends at work.

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I think decorative motifs are definitely the way to go with the colored bags. It's hard to find the solid colored ones, but a motif is just perfect for the amount of plarn you'll get from just a few bags.


I've adapted (in yarn) a skull motif from a potholder and attached it to a hat. (I get pretty tired of generic flowers.) I bet something similar could be done with any motif in plarn. The challenge is getting enough of the right color.

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If I stay on the computer any longer, I'll never get started. :eek


I just remembered someone mentioned using recycled VHS tapes for plarn. That gives me even more options for the colors.

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Cindy has some ideas on videotape on her blog: http://www.myrecycledbags.com (I think).


My parents literally have thousands of videos, many of them ruined by mold. I'm wondering if the moldy ones could be salvaged as an alternative yarn, or if that's a respiratory disaster waiting to happen.


~ Joy

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My family is very sentimental about our VHS tapes. I think it would be difficult to convince my mother even to recycle them into an alternative yarn, even tapes that we CANNOT watch because they've been ruined somehow.


~ Joy

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I am joining this CAL. I have been cutting bags all morning! First I am making a plastic bag holder to hold all my extra plastic bags.:D Then I will make a big tote for yarn. This makes me think of when I was growing up in South America, their version of the generic plastic bag that all the little shops use is blue and white striped! My sister is coming back from there in a few weeks, dare I ask for plastic bags???? She'll think I'm crazy. Usually I ask for something nice to eat that I can't get here.

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This makes me think of when I was growing up in South America, their version of the generic plastic bag that all the little shops use is blue and white striped! My sister is coming back from there in a few weeks, dare I ask for plastic bags???? She'll think I'm crazy. Usually I ask for something nice to eat that I can't get here.


Dare to ask for plastic bags!


I grew up in Japan and have friends who travel back to Asia every now and again. It's wonderful when they bring back some of the snackies I grew up with, but snackies last only a moment - plastic bags last forever!


~ Joy

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I asked! And she had heard of crocheting with plastic bags so thought it was OK. Then she told me that in Venezuela (she's in Colombia) you can buy them in packages in most shops and my other sister is flying from Ven. on Monday so I e-mailed her to buy some if it's not out of her way. So maybe I'll have a bunch!

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I think a nice thing about the VHS plarn is there would be fewer knots. Anyone know how long a 6 hour VHS tape would be in plarn?



I have crocheted with vcr tape before. The nice thing about is that you don't have to cut the plarn and you have almost no knots. I used 6 hour tapes, double strand and only used about half of the two reels when making an evening bag and smaller tote bags. Here is the link to explain more about my crocheting with vcr vhs tape.


I must warn you that crocheting with vcr tape isn't as smooth as plastic bags. It is a bit tough on the hands and fingers because it's not very smooth to work with. But it is very pretty and boy is it ever a conversation piece!

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Ick...this is one project that will be on hold for a while for me! My carpal tunnel is flaring really bad from using the plarn. And my job is not helping!!! I use a 10 key calculator for about 50% of my day. My doctor laughed sooo hard at me when he caught me attempting to crochet ......with my wrist brace on! :blush He then asked me if I knew what could have caused the flare up...I faked (not so well either) complete ignorance in the matter! :devil

Does anyone have any tips on how to use plarn without killing your wrists/thumbs??

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Wow!! Great things are going on here. Makes me feel bad I haven't continued with my project. I'll try and work on it a bit this week, since I'm actually going to be home for 2 weeks streight!!! :eek:cheer

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I've found that using a larger hook helps my wrists and hands. I can only work with plarn for a little while. (Although I must admit...I don't usually stop until they are already hurting). :think Crochet causing a flare up?!?....You'll never get me to admit it.:D


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OH MY GOSH!!!! (I hope it's okay to still join this CAL still Let me know if I'm out in left field!!! ...OKAY! So I'm a year behind...what can I say?!!!) It's almost midnight, I'm supposed to be in bed and WHAT AM I DOING (besides typing)????? I'm cutting up PLASTIC!!!!!! Now my


But I've got a new little trick for ya.... a cool way to get more COOL COLORS in plastic... BUT.... I'm not sharing till my projects are done! SORRY!!! I'm using bright orange and cool lime green!

It's just too cool and I'm just too excited, NOW I'LL NEVER GET TO SLEEP!!!!!

Can't wait to post it... course I'm just rolling plastic at the moment!!! HOW DO I ALWAYS MANAGE TO ADD ANOTHER PROJECT TO MY MILE LONG LIST ANYHOW?????????

Catch Ya All LATER!!!:woo PEGGY


PS... Got to bed at 2 am...and got to sleep at 4 am....UGH!!!

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Okay... so is this CAL long gone and no one doing it anymore????

I just found purple, red, yellow, green, blue, pink and CAMOFLOUGE

plastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yes:yes:yes:yes If you wait just a couple more days,

I'll tell you where!!!!!!!!! And it's much bigger than plastic bags and

doesn't have to be doubled!!! ANYBODY INTERESTED!??????:think I think I'll

have to add a new book to my list to do!!! ;)

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Finished my tote!




My wife (who did NOT want to be in the photo) is holding our 9 month old granddaughter who wants to see if anything is for her in the tote.


Bottom, top and handles are brown plarn approximately 9 x 11 inches. Webbing is white plarn. Tote is approximately 13" high. My own design, but inspiration came from THIS PATTERN.

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Finished my tote!

Bottom, top and handles are brown plarn approximately 9 x 11 inches. Webbing is white plarn. Tote is approximately 13" high. My own design, but inspiration came from THIS PATTERN.


Wow that is a wonderful looking recycled bag! Excellent work. :yay

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Well, it didn't turn out quite as great as I was hoping, but it's my FIRST

plarn project. IT'S A PLARN KITTY PURSE! And it was made by using ...

ARE YOU READY??? ......

PLASTIC TABLECLOTHS... the cheap .99 disposable kind you get at Walmart ... you can get them in all colors and if cut the length of the tablecloth... you won't have very many knots!!! I just tie a double knot to connect the lengths and it wasn't a problem at all. I cut them 1" wide and on this project I used a G hook.

I have other projects in mind also, not purses or bags, but can't get to them for quite

awhile! Anyhow... I'll try to get the pattern posted as soon as possible... under original

patterns... it's my own and don't mind sharing. I'm sure many of you can improve


(PATTERN BELOW 6 POSTS... I believe!)

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