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Plastic Bag CAL

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Oh oh, I'm joining this CAL...I've been lurking here for a while, and have now decided to go raid the kitchen (share with three other girls my age) for all the plastic bags...does anyone know if acrylic hooks are okay for this, or do I really need a metal one?

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Here's my attempt at a recycled tote.


Thanks for the pattern, RecycleCindy, and for encouragement so far. I posted a link to you at my blog, hope that's OK.


As soon as I can feel my thumbs again, I'll finish the darn thing!



Your bag is looking good. Thanks for the link too. They are always appreciated! You must be doing the real big grocery tote? I know how your thumb feels. It's my left hand index finger that is very sore today. So I took a break and wrote patterns out today to give my fingers a break. But that plarn ball is calling to me now that the Mariner's game is on. Oh well, I can rest tomorrow. :eek

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Your bag is looking good. Thanks for the link too. They are always appreciated! You must be doing the real big grocery tote? I know how your thumb feels. It's my left hand index finger that is very sore today. So I took a break and wrote patterns out today to give my fingers a break. But that plarn ball is calling to me now that the Mariner's game is on. Oh well, I can rest tomorrow. :eek


Yup, the bigger the better. I want it big enough to carry sweatshirts for a family of 4, plus a couple bottles of H20, and other "stuff".


Plus, I think I cut the strips wider than recommended. I didn't want there to be any holes/gaps between rows. If I cut them 1/2 inch thinner, I would probably be done by now!


Funny, I crochet during my Cubs games! Go Cubbies!

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I already finished my plastic-bag bags. I made a purse size one from tan bags and lined it with muslin. Even put in a zipper. The printing adds polka dots of color. It can easily be used as a purse from spring through fall. Only problem is I use a large shoulder strap bag, and this isn't large enough for me. I made a 2nd one with a larger hook out of white bags using the same pattern and a loop and button closure, and this is a small tote bag. This is also lined with muslin. They both pockets on the lining. My daughter took pictures of them. I am waiting for her to come over and try to post them for me.

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I already finished my plastic-bag bags. I made a purse size one from tan bags and lined it with muslin. Even put in a zipper. The printing adds polka dots of color. It can easily be used as a purse from spring through fall. Only problem is I use a large shoulder strap bag, and this isn't large enough for me. I made a 2nd one with a larger hook out of white bags using the same pattern and a loop and button closure, and this is a small tote bag. This is also lined with muslin. They both pockets on the lining. My daughter took pictures of them. I am waiting for her to come over and try to post them for me.


All I can say is WHOA! A lining and a zipper?!! Holy cow, I am not that talented. Let's just say if mine had a lining and a zipper, it would be a ziploc bag with the zip-top seal :P Please post photos whenever you can, I'd love to see it!

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Hello I've been checking this out for a couple days and while watching the Yankees game today I found myself cutting bags into strips so i can try this.. i think I'm going to try a basic bag first and see how it goes.

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*sighs* You know, I started this CAL and yet I haven't posted here in ages. :ohdear


Anyway, the other day I FINALLY found a pink plastic bag! It's small, but I think I can stretch it. I'm thinking it's time to start making those plastic bag coin purses again! I love making those. :manyheart



BTW Welcome to those of you who haven't gotten your welcome yet! :D

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I finally got my daughter to help me by taking pictures and laoding them to Photobucket. Here they are: I lined both bags with muslin. I made the lining a little loose to allow for the stretchability of the plastic. The tan one has a zipper and the white one has a loop and button closure.









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Wow amazing bags, Mamarose! And a zipper??? Wow. :clap


I've finished a coin purse! :hook Finally! I had forgotten how fast, fun, and easy they were!


It's made with Ikea bags... I think I only used.... five? :think


A close-up of the bottlecap button. It says 'The Legendary Hobgoblin'


The coin purse open with coins inside!


And the last buttons I have left. They've been hammered flat after I poked holes in the center using a nail. It's fun! :D Lets off some steam.


Pictures are clickable.


I think I'll try to get rid of my plastic bag stash by making these purses.... Or perhaps not, I'd be drowning in them :eek

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Nutsaboutcrochet...I love your idea of bottle cap buttons. That's very clever to flatten them out with a hammer. It's a good way to let off steam. I would never have thought of that. The problem is it's very hard to find metal bottle caps these days. I guess they are only on beer bottles (which I don't drink).

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Nutsaboutcrochet...I love your idea of bottle cap buttons. That's very clever to flatten them out with a hammer. It's a good way to let off steam. I would never have thought of that. The problem is it's very hard to find metal bottle caps these days. I guess they are only on beer bottles (which I don't drink).


Thanks :D You can find bottlecaps on some sodas, like Coca Cola. They're only on the old glass bottles though, but I've seen the 'old' bottles at my grocery store. :think I also pick them up off the street sometimes. :blush But they have to be in good condition :yuck

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My youngest daughter has joined an online group of moms and has posted pictures of some of my work to their web site.


She has had responses about the recycled tote bag and if I would be interested in selling them.


Is that cool, or what? I guess I'd better set up an Etsy shop!


Oh, wait, I'd better finish that second bag first...:think now, where did I put that UFO? I've got to get organized...

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Just curious - how much you would sell them for? I thought about selling some as well but with the labor in making the plastic yarn and then crocheting them the price I would want for them seems kind of high :eek Maybe I am just slow though :lol

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A little while ago, I happened upon an Etsy site where a woman was selling her plastic bags for $20. to $80.. The more expensive ones were all lined, were made with nice colors (.I wonder where she got those colored bags?), and some had leather handles. I have to admit, they were nice, but I don't think they were worth so much money. I know it takes a lot of time to make the plarn, and crocheting with plastic does take longer, so I wonder if it's worth it. However, if time isn't the problem and you are looking to make some money then I guess it would be worth it to you. This lady also made earrings of the plarn and plastic canvas. I know some people crochet rugs with plarn. They make good outdoor rugs as they withstand the outdoor weather.

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An FYI for anyone who has Dominion,A&P,

Ultra,or Loeb grocery stores :

I was there yesterday and now they have great bags

that are bright orange with black and a bit of dark green.

Looks like they would make colourful projects or even

just stripes with other colours.



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Unfortunately, I'm not near any of those stores. I guess they are using those colors because Halloween is coming up. If anyone shops a lot at those stores, they could manage to save up a lot of bags to make something nice with them.

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