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What on earth???


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Over the weekend I started a shawl using this cotton yarn I bought for something else and didn't use. It's a 1-lb cone of, I think, Lily Sugar and Cream (I'm pretty sure that's what I bought, but the wrapper is gone). Anyway, it's been working up nicely until now, feels like it'll be really comfy.


Then just a few minutes ago, I came to a really strange spot in the yarn. For a couple of yards, it got all skinny and stiff and wasn't working up right.


So I followed it along until it ended so I could cut it and start again where it got better. And weirder yet - about a foot after the end of the bad section, there was a KNOT in it - there were two ends tied together.


I don't buy yarn on cones that much - is it common to have it tied in a knot partway through? That doesn't seem right to me. And that bad spot -- eek. Is this a freak thing, or has anyone else had trouble with Lily cotton yarn? I'm a little hesitant to buy that brand again after seeing this...

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I have personally never had problems with that yarn.. the knot is pretty common.. i mean think about it.. to have a continual piece if yarn that long ? .. not very feasible.. the bad spot.. well i dont know what to tell you about that i have never ran across that.. i use coned yarn alot .. and sometimes there is a knot some times there isnt.. but that doesnt bother me too much ..

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I'm glad to know the funny spot isn't a common thing with them. The knot I would've just worked in if I hadn't been cutting anyway get rid of the bad patch, but the two of them together made me wonder since it was the first time I've bought Lily yarn (my local walmart has that Peaches n Cream yarn instead)...


Hmm. I wonder if the machine making the yarn ran out of one of the plies at the end? That would explain it being all skinny and weird I guess :thinking1

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I've had something similiar happen with skeins of yarn where it seems to be either thinner at a particular spot or it is almost like a weird knot, it doesn't happen often. I just do what the others do, cut it off and continue on or work it in (though I'll admit, sometimes I am scissor happy). Can't figure out why that happens either but fortunately it's not that often. Have a cone of Peaches and Cream yarn but haven't used it yet.


LI Roe

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HA! For some reason I thought I was the only one that get skeins with knots in it(never worked with cones)...One skein I used had two knots (Lions Brand) it actually kind of got me kind of bothered! One knot once in a while, hey I understand, but TWO?:fc

I almost wanted to call the company and get a free skein of yarn....but I didn't....:blush


Oh, the follies of crafting....geeez, we should be so lucky!

I just try to remember there are people out there that only wish to have the freedom/$ to be able to do a craft such as ours. :angel

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One problem I did have once was really bad. I had gotten some yarn (I think it was given to me) And when I started to crochet with it, I found it was cut in one spot. Just start over again right? Wrong. Someone had put their blade in to far when cutting a box open and had gone through several layers of the yarn! At was in pieces! I don't remember what I did with it.


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