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Crocheting for Charity--How to Start?

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For those of you who crochet for charity, how do you distribute what you make? I know some of you go through organized charities like Project Linus. I don't think there's one in my area, but how do I go about finding this out? I've thought of doing lapghans for nursing homes--do you just contact the home and give directly to them? Just wondering how this is done; there are probably many ways. Thanks.

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Have you checked out our crochet for charity thread, here in Crochetville?

Right now, we have a year long Charity Blitz going on. There is always a post for someone who is in need of help. I do believe there is even a posting for lapghans for seniors there too. Have a look and maybe you will find what you are looking for. Hope this helps.

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I crochet laprobes for a church womans group in my city. They distribute them to veterans hospitals, nursing homes, shelters, etc in our area. I also crochet caps for the soldiers and sent them directly to the distributors.

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To find out if there's a Project Linus chapter near you, just go to the website: http://projectlinus.org

I found it because of a coworker.


There is always someone looking for something in the Crochet for Charity thread. That's a good place to start until you find someone local (if that's what you want...). If you google 'crochet charity' you get tons and tons of hits, and there might be something local there.

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Do not know if this is helpful or not but there is a charity spot on Lion Brand. You can either add your charity group or look for a local one.

Good Luck with your hunt, I know that I feel lost now that Project Rest Assured is in a hold status right now.

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I would bet that any local nursing homes would be delighted to get some things for their residents, whether you are a member of a group or not. Just give them a call, they will be delighted!!


I belong to a women's group at my church that does charitable sewing/crocheting/etc for things just like this. Nursing homes LOVE to get our things!

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cgd come on over to the charity board and join us in the charity blitz!!! we are working for charities that our villagers have sugested because its close to their heart. this month is opperation toasty toes and next month bless a vet others include a prayer shawl for amy's group and afgahns for amegios project for myself. A different one each month!!!

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Decide what you want to make: hats, lapghans, etc., and begin to call around to see who needs your handiwork. I just kind of found my charity work after a visit to the local animal shelter and seeing all the kitties who had nothing soft in their cages. They either had no mats or had mats with holes or were in shreds. Since I can't possibly adopt every animal I see there (I wish I could), I decided to crochet kitty snuggle mats. Since Dec. 2006, I have dropped off 21 mats and I will continue to make them! I will also make several crocheted toys for the kitties since there is a need for these too!


I've also made 4 lapghans for the nursing home my Dad is in. My Mom made capelets last year for the nursing home and the ladies LOVED them. A couple ladies even asked my Mom to lengthen a few of them. Would you believe my Mom made over 50 capelets??!! My Mom is amazing!

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Wow, I hadn't thought of animal shelters, but the furry critters need love too! I'm sure they and the nursing homes suggested above would be grateful. Capelets and wraps are great suggestions and wouldn't take as long as afghans to make. I knew I'd get some great ideas here.

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