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I can't seem to get CPC or KPC to load...is anyone else having problems?


Rachel I love your sites :manyheart I panic when I can't get in!


Yes, some people are and some people aren't and I'm tearing my hair out as to why!


For more info, see these threads:




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I can get in to CPC at work but not here at home. hopefully i can get in soon as I am searching for the perfect patterns and CPC has been the best for me. of note though I can't seem to get into any free pattern listings except About here at home the past few days.

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I was having the same problem,, and was told to try cleaning out the"cache" and it worked!!!!! was explained to me but those teckie things go over my head.. something about you have it on your history and they change the website then your pc doesnt recognise the new address... now hopefully this will work for you too!


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Everyone who cannot access CPC or KPC, please contact your internet service provider and let them know you cannot access these sites. If you give them the URLs and let them know that others are able to load the site, they can see if there is anything they need to update in their server configuration that will let you be able to access the sites again.

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Everyone who cannot access CPC or KPC, please contact your internet service provider and let them know you cannot access these sites. If you give them the URLs and let them know that others are able to load the site, they can see if there is anything they need to update in their server configuration that will let you be able to access the sites again.


:clap I heartily second the motion! :clap

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