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Oh no she didn't!

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I tend to agree with those who have said that had you offered them for f ree, they would have been gratefully accepted, however since there was a price attached to them, she didn't need them. She's obviously someone who doesn't realize what it takes to hand make something like that, because if she knew what went into them, she would not have balked, IMO.



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because she wanted them for nothing!


Exactly! Maybe $15 was more than she wanted to spend. But come on, your time, skills, and yarn are valuable too.


Don't make anything again for her. Just say that you have too many projects going right now and you wouldn't be able to accomplish hers in a timely manner.


It does stink. Here's a :hug to feel good about things.



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that's why i don't like to do commissioned work. when you sell something, unseen, you don't know how they will like it or if they appreciate work involved. it takes all the joy out of it. i don't mind showing finished items and selling them, because you look, buy if you like it if not, no problem!


however, this teacher is very rude and petty. i cannot imagine offending or hurting someones feelings to avoid paying $15. i don't think she wanted them for free, but probably thought she should pay $5. i get that a lot!

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i am going to have to disagree i am afraid and for this one reason, this teacher KNEW that she would have to go out and get the yarn, and that she would be putting time and effort into it and to not even deal with it between herself and the seller, she tells a 8 year old the bad news? pleaseeeeeeeeeee

when i make a commisioned piece of art,. i ask for the material deposit at the very least and its non refundable, you ask why? because i have to go spend MY money to buy it , why should she be able to order and then just decide her closet is to full. of course if they were free i am sure she would have found room, i found that to be a very tacky thing to do to someone who was asked, NOT offered to, she was asked to make these slippers and for the 15.00 i would not have welched on the deal, i would have taken them and then decided if i didn't want them maybe donate to a nursing home or something . as far as not buying from again, i would never ever SELL to her again. obviously she does not take you serious as a business owner. shame on her and i am sorry this happened. defietly get the money ahead of time with a no refund notice, i too am sorry this happened to you i now how you feel, but in my case i had already sent the product and they never sent it back nor paid me , what was i going to to fly to texas to collect 75.00 worth. um it would have cost me alot more i know to try and get it back so i wrote it off as a bad deal and learned a valuable lesson. i am glad your dd loves them anyway:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart now am stepping off my soap box too:hug:hug


Okay I may get slammed for this. I understand being hurt that she didn't want what you made and put your heart and soul into but I have to disagree with all of you. Have NONE of you ever returned anything to a store? Even if it fit and felt right? I also sell something outside of the home, not home made, just a direct selling company. I get returns all the time. For no reason. Some are stupid reasons. It happens. She's treating you like a business, like you have a crochet store.


We all have the right to change our minds (isn't that a woman's poragative ;) ).


Now you can have it that it's non refundable, but they won't ever buy anything from you again, maybe. You may want stipulations in that, such as, if it doesn't fit or it wasn't to written specifications, then that's the only way it can be returned. But then again, it's bad customer service. Returns are a part of selling.


Just my thoughts...

stepping off my soap box:soap


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Unless she knew that they were $15 and there was no return, there's no complaint. There's is hurt involved, I will admit that, I would be hurt if someone rejected my handmade items (but get over it).


If the price wasn't up front and there was no "policy" set in place, a return is acceptable. I would rather have someone return my handmade product then keep it out of regret for spending an entire $15 buck on slippers and using them for a dust rag or trash.


I don't see a problem returning it through the child. If the teacher couldn't get to the parent in a timely manner, this is acceptable.


Maybe a better excuse then no room in her closet, but maybe she's the type who want a spot for everything and her shoes are all organized and so she did not have a spot for the slippers. Some people are like that. Unless you've saw her closet and know for sure that there was no room, then you can't say that wasn't a valid excuse.


This is a good example for everyone who wants to sell their crochet item. Make up a policy for your "business". Decide up front if you want a deposit. Decide up front on the cost.


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Thank you everyone for your feedback about this. To this day, I still have not spoken with her about this; only school related concerns. She offered to pay for the first project and sent the money home with my daughter even before it was finished, so I assumed since she was willing to pay, I'd charge her since that was how she approached her first request. I just still feel weird about this and shy about money exchanged as the first project was my first ever sell. I guess she just changed her mind and that's okay. My daughter loves them and she gets plenty of compliments on them and now my husband and friends want a pair. For my friends they will be gifts but my husband, oh how he will pay! Ha! Thanks everyone again, this is such a great site!

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