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I keep looking at the gorgeous tablecloths and bedspreads made by you talented, persistent gals and wondering, do I have what it takes to do one of these? I've never been good at long-term projects. I don't mind summoning a bit of stick-to-it-iveness for say, an afghan from worsted maybe, but... I would be terrified to count up my various crafty UFOs! But on the other hand, I think how nice it would be to have a motif project where you could carry around whatever piece you were working on (although I purely hate sewing motifs together). habetlerm, how do you do this? I'm not sure who else has made these monumental heirloom objects, but please feel free to weigh in with your thoughts. Have YOU made one of these year-long, glorious things? How did it go? How did you finish if you didn't want to? ???

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I would encourage you to give it a try. Start with a small table and see how that goes.

I am like you in that I am not a marathoner... give me the sprints every time. but... I love the big events and really love those who can do them.

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You should try anything your heart desires. I tend to get burned out on really long projects, but once I finish them, I can breathe a sigh of relief and then share the work with anyone and everyone--whether they're interested in it or not. :)


I'm like you in that I don't like sewing my motifs together, which is what I'm going to have to do on the Bed of Roses afghan I'm working on. I know the ending result, though, is going to be worth it. (Right? Right!)


Anyway, you won't ever know if you don't ever try. The suggestion to start with something small is a good one. Finish that, then move on to something greater and more grand.


You'll be proud of yourself for doing it. :tup

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I'd say go for it. What's the worst that will happen? You'll end up with a UFO that can be frogged and turned into something else.

Yes, I know, frogging is like giving up... but... unlike some crafts, with crochet you can reuse almost everything from a UFO. Makes it a little less scarry, you have an out. You can undo it and start something else. :shrug

just my $0.02 worth.

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I'd say go for it. .. unlike some crafts, with crochet you can reuse almost everything from a UFO.


LOL Almost sounds like something you'd find on one of the alien/govt conspiracy websites :-) I wonder how many people end up on crochet and knitting pages looking for UFOs ...


Some motif based tablecloths have join as you go rounds, an extra row addded to some motifs that attach others to them. That'd be the kind of large project I'd do other than the all in one pattern type (which I prefer).


If you're unsure that you'd ever make all the motids, chose a pattern in which the individual motids can be used as something else (coasters, placemats, pillow tops, etc) so that you still get something out of it even if it never becomes a tablecloth.


Sometimes, when making things with motifs or granny squares (which get boring after a while) it helps me to choose a specific day to work on it (like every tuesday because tv sucks that night LOL so I don't feel like the day is wasted).

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I'm really a one-project-at-a-time kind of girl, but I'm seriously thinking of starting a motif "thing", with the most excellent encouragement of you splendid ladies. It probably should wait a bit till I get some commitments off my plate, though. We'll see. — Thanks to all of you, so much!

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I've made one tablecloth, and it took me 4 years to complete. Of course I didn't stop doing everything else though, I just did a few motifs a day or week, and eventually got there. Mine was a thing where you tied the motifs together at the end. I still don't know how to join motifs together on the last round...I'd love for someone to show me.


It's very rewarding though. Make sure you pick a pattern you love, and don't get bogged down with it. If you get bored, work on something else for a while.

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The only tablecloth I have done was started by my mother. I promised her I would finish it. It was originally a card table size and I made it twice the size for my brother's dining room table. I also had to redo several of her motifs because of errors made. Then, when it came to the border, it was originally about 2 inches and I did not think it would look good on the table, so I made that about 8 inches so it would hang right. My brother and sister-in-law were both very pleased with the finished project. I am not sure if I will ever attempt another one as thread is very hard on my hands. There is always the possibility, though. However, I would really encourage you to make at least one so you can say, "Yay, I finally conquered the challenge."

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Three? In one year? Ahem, you're not nuts, you're possessed! Wow, Wanda, I am impressed! Are they somewhere in the Thread Crochet topic so I can take a peek?


And yes, motifs are probably the way to go since they're so portable and all.

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My Mother crocheted almost exclusively with thread and tiny steel hooks. She made beautiful things and carried thread and hook everywhere she went. Carla I too keep thinking someday that I'd like to tackle a tablecoth (I have one of hers), but I think first I might try a set of placemats or a table runner. I'm a sprint kind of girl and those needles are just so smal....

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